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"Safe" Biologics: 13 Australian Stories

The tip, of the tip, of the iceberg.

With thanks to:

  1. A friend

  2. Senator Gerard Rennick

  3. jab_injuries_australia

  4. Dr. John Campbell


Do you remember how the flu shots used to cause similar death and destruction?

Neither do I.

According to Arden (above), these stories are “the sign that the vaccine is doing what it should”.

There is a portion of Australians that do not know that this is going on, but at this stage, it’s willful ignorance.

There is another portion of this country that knows it’s going on, and quietly believes it is a necessary price to pay for “saving the country” and “saving lives”. That if it wasn’t for the jabs, we would have lost far more people. Not only have their minds been corrupted but their souls too.

1. An Australian Family Story

A friend recently told me the story of a family he knows. I thought it was worth sharing so I asked him to send me the bullet points and I am relaying the story in his words. Thanks Ryan.

  • Family of 4 living here in Sydney. One daughter and one son.

  • Daughter is 23, son in 18.

  • Unsure of father's occupation - said no to the 🚫. Lucky for the family, he spent a lot of time researching and reading during the early stages of the 🚫 development and decided it simply was not worth the risk for him or his family to be going down that path. 

  • Having shared his research and findings with his family and encouraging them to do their own research, the mother also refused to take the 🚫. She used to work as a care provider in aged care facility, she was given the ultimatum and subsequently lost her job for saying no.

  • The daughter, a good friend of mine, has just spent 5 years completing her degree to work in the medical industry. She currently works in various hospitals. When the deadline for the mandates came around, she still was holding out from taking part in the 🚫 experiment. Having a huge passion for what she does, eventually decided she would take the risk for the sake of her career - bad decision as it turns out.

  • She experienced chest pain bad enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room on the evening after her second 🅿️. After various checks/scans the doctors said that the pain was heart related - but not related to the 🅿️. She has no history of heart problems or any family history. An exemption for subsequent 🅱️🚫 was requested (given she took the 🚫 so late, the discussion of a third inoculation or "🅱️" had already permeated all the usual channels and was becoming the standard expectation for those her in her industry) but the doctors in that particular hospital said that was off the cards (seems all exemptions here need to be justified to the overlords - no longer the decision of the physician), and there were ways to inoculate her "safely", should that be necessary for subsequent 🚫. She was told she had some "minor" heart inflammation and not to exert herself physically for the next 8-10 weeks to avoid further chest pain. This is clinical myocarditis; chest pain, inability to exercise etc, as a result of heart inflammation. This not what is written on the doctor notes of her discharge forms. It seems a formal diagnosis of this was also off the cards.

  • She was understandably quite upset about all of this. 

  • Her brother, knowing what he knew from his own research, and the experience of his own family, also said no to the 🚫. Smart boy and a good kid, I've met him once or twice.

  • Interestingly, he contracted covid before the 🚫 rollout began. Not one symptom for the duration of his "infection". Perhaps another reason why he so confidently said no (even if natural immunity 'doesn't exist').

  • The family has since moved out of Sydney, understandably had enough of all the lockdowns and are enjoying the peace and quiet away from all the noise here.

This story has everything. Waking up, standing firm, job loss, coerced injection, heart damage, doctors betrayal and exodus.

How many stories like this are out there?

2. Sean

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3. Kasia

4. Kat (Novavax)

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5. Rebecca

who spent 11 nights in hospital, had 3 surgeries, 5 blood transfusions, 3 days in ICU and 9 days with a drain tube!

“I want to share my story of my adverse reaction the the vaccination. I had a reaction to my second v, but that's not the story I want to tell now. On the 12th of Feb I had my 3rd v. That evening and the next day I felt the way many people have felt. Body aches, tired, generally unwell, lethargic, my BP was increased. The evening of the 13th I had severe abdominal pains for about 2 hours. It went away so I didn't worry too much about it. On the 22nd, 10 days after I had the v, the severe abdominal pains returned. They were getting worse and lasted for hours. I didn't want to go to the hospital as I didn't want to wait for hours to be given endone and then sent home. We called nurses on call and they advised me to go to emergency. So I did. I had an x-ray, bloods, CT scan and an ultrasound. Diagnosis was gallstones and I was to have my gallbladder removed. A common procedure that is generally safe with little to no complications. I had the surgery the evening of the 23rd of Feb. The morning of the 24th the surgical team came to do their rounds. I had a drain tube in (thank goodness for that, they don't always put one in for this procedure). It was on suction but for some reason had been left clamped. The Dr unclamped it and my gosh, the pain. It was unbearable. Worse than the gall bladder pain. A few hundred ml of blood drained out of me and my BP had a massive drop. I was rushed back to surgery but they couldn't find where the bleed was coming from. They thought they had it under control. I spent the next few hours in recovery, in agony with a fentanyl PCA. They placed an arterial line so they could monitor my BP and blood gases more accurately, I was still bleeding. So I was rushed back to theatre again. A liver specialist was called in from another hospital because they were worried the issue was deep in my liver, thank goodness it wasn't. All up I needed 5 blood transfusions. I had what is called 'blood resus'. Blood and fluids were pushed quickly to basically keep me alive. My hands and feet were about 4 times their normal size because of that. They were talking about giving nath permission to see me that day, which they really only do for the sickest of patients, and generally only those they don't think are going to make it. As much as I would have loved to have him there, I'm very glad they didn't need to give him permission. After that last surgery I was taken to ICU, where I stayed until Sunday evening. I tried to get out of bed Friday and Saturday, I only got as far as sitting on the edge of the bed. Sunday morning I managed to sit in a chair next to the bed for an hour. But that was tough. Sunday evening I was moved to the surgical ward. I was improving but I was still pretty unwell. I tried walking with the physio on Monday. I did about 20 metres and then had to taken back to bed via a standing machine as I couldn't go any further. I also had another bleed on the Monday, about 400ml. So everyone is in panic mode again. My blood work was "ok", so no more blood transfusion. I had another CT scan, which showed a collection of fluid. So I was back on IV antibiotics and being closely monitored. Tuesday I was hoping to shower and wash my hair (I hadn't showered since the Tuesday before). I got as far as the toilet and I had to be wheeled back to bed. I still had the drain tube in, which is still draining blood. The pca was taken down on the Monday. Wednesday I was finally able to shower and wash my hair! Made such a big difference to how I felt. I turned a corner that day. The drs were even considering sending me home on Thursday with the drain tube still in. But my blood results weren't where they wanted them to be, so we hoped for Friday. Fridays blood results showed my LFT's to be deranged, so they wanted another CT scan and IV antibiotics to continue for a bit longer. The CT scan was ok, things looked like they were heading in the right direction. Saturday the decision was made that everything was heading in the right direction, the bleeding had slowed, only 40ml in the previous 24 hours. So the drain tube was removed and I was finally able to go home. That was march 5th. I have continued to improve, I still have pain and get tired easily, but I'm doing pretty good. I saw the surgeon for my check up today. He is happy with my progress, but said I gave them quite a scare. Given all the facts, I've never had a bleeding issue before, never had any complications in previous surgeries, they couldn't find the cause, how super, super rare this complication is and the fact that I had the v a week and half prior, he believes it's likely that the v is cause for the complications I suffered. I'm so thankful for the surgical team and nursing team, they literally saved my life.”

6. Scottie

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7. Brendan

8. Rhys

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9. Greg

A farmer who has lost everything because of the vaccine.

“I am a beef cattle producer from the north coast of New South Wales near Taree. I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine which left me crippled in a wheelchair unable to walk unaided with loss of not just my legs but my bowels and bladder since 5 May last year.

I have spent months in various hospitals where I was diagnosed with Transverse Myelitis and I continue to see specialists and receive rehabilitation treatment. The neurologist called it a vaccination assault on my spine, caused directly by the vaccine. In the UK when they were doing the trails it was stopped because one of the recipients came down with TM. After many aganosing months we have had to sell our farm and will be moving onto a suburban home where I can manage to get around, this is all due to the vaccine. My family and I have lost our livelihood due to this vaccination. We were a very successful paddock to plate producer. In fact, we had even been runner up in the NSW Farmer of the Year awards a few years ago, which was presented by Adam Marshall at Parliament house in Sydney.

We were driving every week to Sydney taking our produce to farmers markets, where we had a loyal following. This has now been taken away from us something that gave us great joy. We helped educate people to where their food came from and how it was produced ethically and sustainably right here in Australia.

We were actively promoting the beef cattle industry and actively trying to get youth involved in agriculture. Unwittingly through misguided trust, I like many others just rolled up my sleeve in the belief of being a good citizen and having a vaccination that’s the right thing to do for this great country of ours. I did what the government told me to do to make the world a safer place.

Till this date I have never had cause to distrust or disbelieve the Australian government. I always believed that they had the interest of the Australian people at heart and represented the greater good in looking after all its citizens.

All I can do is look on in horror as the facts unfold. The fact that the government did not do the job and clearly research what reactions and side-effects have been documented about this vaccination. The failure to disclose this information will surely show this government stand on the wrong side of history and the wrong side of protecting its citizens in years to come. The names of the politicians that made this decision to betray and harm its Australian citizens. Will be taught in history classes as a greatest con thrust upon a free country.

I originally was denied NDIS support as I’m unable to care for myself purely as a result of this bloody vaccination. I have grave concerns that this vaccine is now being issued on younger children. I have never had a sick day in my life from any viruses’ injections or diseases prior to this injection. We have been a hard-working honest family business that has been abandoned by our government. And soon we have to say goodbye to our farming life as we pack for one I have no interest in.

The token gesture of compensation the government is offering is disproportionate to real life and you need to be a bloody lawyer to work out how to fill in their forms, though using one is discouraged by them. The fact that the government is offering a compensation scheme shows there is major faults with a vaccine rollout.

I had seen several doctors, eight in total the first one casually telling me it was just a coincidence that I was sick directly after the vaccination sending me home from hospital with a 39 degree temperature and dismissed my complaint as if was nothing.

None of the eight doctors reported my case as an adverse reaction. They tried to blame other causes purely on the fact that I am a farmer and it’s an easy way out to deny any connection to the vaccination.

After the first Dr would not hear off it, our local GP took blood tests and tried to tell me I had leptospirosis from floodwaters. They took blood and set it away. This took nearly 2 weeks to come back as positive but a second test showed it was a false positive, confirming our fears it was definitely the vaccine.

When we got this result only then did this doctor say well it must have been the vaccine . Still No doctor reported it as an adverse event. It was only when my wife reported it directly via the TGA website did alarm bells ring at Public Health and they spent hours talking with us.

The contact person was quite upset by the fact I had seen 8 doctors none of the 8 had bothered to report the reaction. She had access to my full medical records and could see I had been a fit and healthy person all my life prior to the vaccination. She spent over an hour on the phone with me discussing what went on.

I questioned her to why no Doctors add reported my injury. Her reply was this is a problem and she too wanted to find out why. How do we know how many injured people are out there like you when the doctors won’t report it?

As a result of no longer being able to walk unaided or get around the farm as I was in hospital for extended periods of time. I was forced to sell all my livestock as I was not able to care for them. This truly was the most devastating thing a small Australian family farming business could ever face. We thought we had seen the worst of it with drought, bushfires and then flood and finally life on the farm was looking like turning around but NO.

We had to stop attending farmers market in Sydney where we sold our produce direct to customers. We spent over a decade building our name our credibility and our ethics in raising our livestock and educating consumers.

Being unable to walk I can no longer get around the farm to check on animal welfare or move stock as required. This is a job which took several hours most days. With no income coming in and bills rising fast. We were in a position where we could no longer financially afford to be able to support the day today running of our beef cattle farm. So, we had to sell the farm and all livestock on the property. Along with all the machinery.

Being forced to sell livestock and my farm due to this vaccination has been the curliest thing I have ever had to face. Our farm is not only our business but our home our life, it’s we’re memories are made. To be robbed of this is just criminal no Australian should ever be forced from their own home due to a vaccination in doing what our government told us was the right thing to do.

It has been a long road trying to get any assistance through the NDIS as they did not recognise vaccination injury. However, with the help of my local member and the help of Gerard I have now been approved after jumping through many hoops. We are very grateful for their assistance. The future loss of income and the pain and suffering my family faces has seen us left with no future and no goals in life. To be seen as an industry leader one day and to wake up the next day with only tears after receiving a vaccination is just incomprehensible and totally devastating.”

10. Adam

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11. From Amber, the wife of Rod

I’ve been receiving too many of these stories for far too long.

And for those of you sceptics out there that say correlation is not causation – try telling that to the relatives of the loved ones who passed away in the weeks after receiving the vaccine.

“I am writing to you hoping that at some point in the future there is some justice for the those who have died after being forced or coerced into having the covid vaccines. I have now lost the most beautiful soul to ever come into my life. My Husband Rod hesitant to get the vaccine in the first place, went ahead and had it so he could continue to work while also being advised by GP and Cardiologist that due to heart disease and stents he would not do too well if he got covid, I argued this point with my husband and stated he may not do to well with the vaccine either as these vaccines had no safety data or evidence they were safe for people with heart disease or evidence of safety data with vaccine interacting with ongoing anticoagulants , Beta blockers etc . He would have survived covid I know this for a fact as I got covid I am an asthmatic not vaccinated and guess what ? I survived, and now thanks to the government he is gone, my life has been destroyed and am not sure now how to continue without him, I am so angry, hurt, lost, I cannot explain this horrible gut wrenching feeling inside me each and every day since the 9th of December 2021 when I watched the love of my life die slowly and painfully in front of my eyes while I tried desperately to save him on the nature strip while we were holidaying together .

16th September 2021 Rod had first dose of AstraZeneca. 10 days after on the 26th of September a red raised rash appeared on Rods Body this rash was neither sore or itchy, Rod had not scratched at or irritated it in any way but this rash had light amount of blood excreting from it. Rod discussed this rash with GP on the 30th September but by then it had pretty much healed ,GP had absolutely no idea what caused it . Approximately around the 1st October gout flared up in both Rods left and right feet and ankles, it was the worst it's ever been to the point where he couldn't walk, this is while taking ongoing allopurinol and colchicine. 12th October Rod felt unwell and stayed in bed to rest. BP was elevated on the 13th and 14th, BP was at times 142/95 ,140/87. Rod phoned Dr (cardiologist) on the 15th October, Dr told Rod to commence back on the Beata blockers. BP settled back to normal after 4 or 5 days.

11th November 2021 Rod has 2nd dose of AstraZeneca. Exactly 10 days after on the 21st November, Rod complained of a headache (which he has never ever had headaches) he felt tired and unwell so got a covid test that same day, results were negative. Rod spent the next 3 to 4 days resting, taking paracetamol every 4 to 5 hours, Rods temperature and bp were not elevated at all but his face was extremely red from his nose and cheek bones to top of forehead, this redness lasted for 5 days and then flared up at odd times throughout the day, BP still not elevated.

Thursday the 25th November Rod had a hot shower, after the shower he came to show me that his hands and feet had gone completely white, for example, if you have Raynaud's and your fingers go white in the cold, but this was after heat and it was the whole of the hands and feet? very strange? this settled after 20 to 30 minutes. 26th November we headed off driving to NSW, Rod was still getting mild headaches, paracetamol seemed to alleviate the pain otherwise he seemed well, BP and temp still normal. Approximately around December 3rd we were walking along the beach and I noticed Rods left foot went purple, this settled after we had finished walking. 4th December a red raised Rash appeared all across Rods chest and front of shoulders, this rash was not sore or itchy, the rash remained the same until 7th of December when I took a photo of the rash stating to Rod that there was something really strange going on with him.

On the 9th December we went to the beach around 10am it was a mild day weather wise and Rod attempted to have a surf, he came out of the water disappointed as he could not stand up on the board so he went for a quick swim instead, Rod then came and sat next to me and stated that he had that headache back, but this time there was a whirring noise in his left ear, I said to him that does not sound good we better leave and head back to the room. While driving back, Rod was rubbing the left side of his face and head, all of a sudden after approximately 10 mins he began vomiting, couldn't open his eyes. I was checking BP while waiting for the ambulance, it was normal, Rod was able to stand up to get on the stretcher, they did ECG and it was normal, symptoms indicated a stroke so raced to Tweed heads emergency. CT scan showed brain haemorrhage which indicated according to the neurologist that Rod had suffered a severe trauma to the head, which I know for a fact he did not hit his head, as I was with him the whole time and there were no sign of bruising etc. My Rodney was put on life support in ICU till the 12th December. CT scan on the 12th December showed haemorrhage had moved down to the brain stem , Rodney was not responding at all with any neurological testing so then had to make the worst decision of my life and switch of the life support.

I hope you can please help me in some way as I promised Rod that if he died after experiencing all of these strange reactions I would be fighting for justice for him and others that have been forced to take it. It would be good if we knew more about the batch numbers to determine which are placebo which are half dose etc? I will attach photos of Rod and I so you can see what has been taken from me . I am so angry that these deaths after that Vaccine are all getting put down to coincidence ??? This has to stop and the government need to be held accountable.

Thanks so much for taking the time to assist, as you can imagine my life has been destroyed and somehow, I need to have some life without my Rodney, I am not sure how at this stage.”

Edit: Amber has asked to express her gratitude to the many people who have expressed their support and inspiration.

12. Kylie

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13. Lisa

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As for the medical establishment, top to bottom, I would like to say “forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do”. But it’s April 2022 and I know that it’s not true.

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