You cannot forget what you don’t know.
The overwhelming majority of Australians don’t know that this happened 1 year ago to the day.
So, for my many Australian subscribers, now you know.

This from therealrukshan:
1 year ago today militarised members of Victoria Police under the command of their Chief Commissioner Shane Patton and with the blessings of Premier Daniel Andrews indiscriminately shot and terrorised unarmed Australian civilians, including families with children at the Shrine of Remembrance.
The Australians were exercising their right to peaceful assembly and their right to protest against a government that they believed was providing inadequate representation on a number of issues. For this the State mobilised absolute police power to shut down all public displays of dissent against the Andrews government.
The Andrews Labor government is yet to release any meaningful health advice or independent reviews of their decisions that predicted the extreme measures that harmed the Victorian community that day, and more broadly over the course of the last 2 years.
To my fellow Australians.
Your government gave you a surprise national day off work today to mourn the Queen. I assume you don’t really care about her passing, but you’re glad to have gotten yet another day off work, as most of you now “work” 2-3 days from home. If you want to mourn something though, mourn the fact that your government shot rubber bullets at your fellow Australians 1 year ago.
Most of you don’t know what Shane Patton looks like. Here he is.
Shane Patton APM - Champions Of Change Coalition
Here is Shane explaining his vision in July 2020.
“It’s about the community”.
There remains a reasonable suspicion surrounding the nationality of those firing the bullets. It’s hard to imagine Australian police firing at their fellow citizens, but certainly possible. It’s also possible they were foreigners as the Victoria Police Act 2013 - Sect 191 allows for it:
VICTORIA POLICE ACT 2013 - SECT 3 Definitions (
I am not aware that the question has been asked and answered under oath, of whether they were foreign mercenaries.
Most Australians, including Victorians, haven’t seen the video above.
Many Australians who have, including Victorians, think that it was a proportional response to those putting the community at risk during a pandemic. Eternal shame on you and your corrupted morals.
Many Australians, who are not Victorians, think “it’s not my problem, I don’t live in Victoria”. Again, eternal shame on you and your corrupted morals.
There is a Victorian State election in a few months (November 2022) and the man and the party that were in power, that gave their blessing for the video you just saw, are very likely to be re-elected.
That is Australia today. That is worth mourning.
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