I was talking to a close friend on the weekend, and he’d read my recent CCP article:
He was wondering out loud whether depopulation was a primary strategic CCP goal as China is facing significant population decline in the coming decades. In his thesis, it would make sense for the CCP to suppress the population growth of its adversaries.
Population of China 2050 - PopulationPyramid.net
What’s interesting is that just as I have been writing this, Malone publishes this stack today. It’s worth a read and concludes with an interesting paragraph. You need to remember that Malone has worked with the military in bio-tech for many years.
Speaking for myself, my assessment is that the statements by US Rep Jason Crow cited in the Brietbart and Daily Mail articles factcheck as “True”. Welcome to my world. Now you know what the mRNA vaccine technology was really developed for [Unbekoming: as a rapid countermeasure against the threat of CCP biowarfare]. Unfortunately, overeager NIH bureaucrat-administrators, acting together with other HHS “leaders”, have messed that up by rushing development and failing to act responsibly. Now the potential for enabling a rapid response capability using that technical approach has been deeply compromised.
Personally I’ve left the depopulation subject alone. I’ve been happy to discuss African tetanus vaccines laced with sterilisation agents, because we have the evidence to prove it was done, and done with intent. So, case closed on that particular depopulation subject.
But whether it’s part of a broader CCP biowarfare campaign…honestly WHO (pardon the pun) knows.
But what we do know is that evidence is emerging in multiple locations of a sharp, unprecedented, decline in births.
Compared to June 2021, birth rate in Jun 2022 is down by -27.66%. This is far worse than the previous month (May) drop of -23.34% and indicates a worsening birth rate trend.
Look at Chudov’s charts in his article and how the timing of the June 2022 drop maps over the volume of vaccinations in Taiwan in Sept 2021 (nine months earlier). This is two months in a row now, so May 2022 was not a data fluke.
Chudov has also written about Hungary:
This is a tremendous 10.5% difference between birth rate outcomes! Put in other words, the birth rate decline in most heavily vaccinated Hungarian counties was THREE TIMES greater than the decline in least-vaccinated counties!
This is an apples-to-apples, Hungarians-to-Hungarians, same time period comparison! Pretty much the only variable is the extent to which those counties vaccinated their citizens by July 2021, including young people likely to make babies. Again, to remind you: the vaccination rates are a snapshot for July 13, 2021. You can add 9 months to July 2021, which gives you April 2022. Thus, you can see why birth rates in Q1 2022 changed: because of Covid vaccination.
The result? The more vaccination, the greater the declines in the birth rates.
Also, as to whether this is temporary…
A big question of the day is: is this a temporary situation or will the declines be permanent? If they are permanent, it may lead to depopulation of affected countries!
The answer is UNKNOWN to me and is also unknown to anyone else. Beware of vaccine advocates saying “birth rate declines are temporary and no big deal, the vaccine is working as expected”. Beware of vaccine skeptics jumping the gun and proclaiming that we will for sure be depopulated. We genuinely do NOT know, yet. The time has not passed yet, for us to know.
Despite not knowing, we can start worrying right now.
From other articles, we know that
· Disruptions in female periods after vaccination are permanent in some women and temporary in others, proportions unknown
· The decline in sperm quality seems to be permanent, with a minor rebound around 6 months, and that did not even consider booster doses
· Further vaccination past July or so was extremely extensive, including booster vaccination of young fertile people, possibly further damaging their fertility.
El gato malo, in his recent analysis on Sweden says:
· there is nothing in the past 25 years that appears anything like this sudden to the upside or the downside. this is twice the size of the next biggest moves.
· and the alignment with covid vaccine rollout is quite precise for commencement. and based on the biological studies (info HERE and HERE) the expectation that this result (if it is occurring) would remain pronounced for at least 6 months appears sound.
And this from Peter Imanuelsen.
And this from Colleen Huber.
When you couple this with the recent research pointing to the reduction in both the quantity and quality of sperm. It’s fair to say that something very bad is afoot.
This from Dr. Byram Bridle.
One of the things that I really liked about the current study is that it used serial samples from sperm donors. Specifically, samples were obtained prior to ‘vaccination’ and at multiple time points after the ‘vaccine’ regimen was completed. This means that each person served as their own internal control, which is ideal.
By approximately three months after becoming ‘fully vaccinated’ (i.e., defined as having received two doses), this is what the data demonstrated (confirmed to be significant by multiple different statistical tests):
· “sperm concentration was significantly lower”. Specifically, it was reduced by 15.4%. Put another way, the sperm concentration was reduced by 12 million/mL of ejaculate.
· Worse, there was a “[total motile count] percentage change reduction of 22.1%”. This translated into there being 31.2 million fewer motile spermatozoa per ejaculate.
What about those babies that make it through to the other side. What’s in stall for them?
U.S. Becomes First Country to Give mRNA COVID Vaccine to Babies – The Vaccine Reaction
Knowing that the mRNA COVID vaccines do not reliably prevent infection and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that efficacy in preventing symptomatic COVID disease is marginal at best, have Pfizer, Moderna and the FDA and CDC demonstrated that it is safe to give mRNA COVID vaccines to all babies as young as six months old?
According to the public statement issued by the FDA last week, there is a gap between what is known and is not known about mRNA COVID vaccine safety in young children:
The agency determined that the known and potential benefits of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the known and potential risks in the pediatric populations authorized for use for each vaccine.
The key words are “the known and potential risks.” There is lack of clarity and transparency on that point and one reason is because the release of this vaccine for babies as young as six months old is based on an EUA, not full licensure. This is the first vaccine to be recommended for and administered to babies in the U.S. on a mass basis that has not been fully licensed.
If the spike protein didn’t get your dad’s sperm, and it didn’t get your mother’s ovaries, don’t worry, we have some spike protein waiting on your arrival.
Here is Dr. Clare Craig with a stunning and simple takedown of the fraudulent trial that was the basis for the FDA EUA approval.

In case Twitter eventually take it down, here is the full 4 minutes on Rumble:
I think it’s a must watch whether you have a baby or not. If you ever wanted evidence of regulatory corruption, this is it. You do not need to look any further.
Here is Kirsch on the subject:
The only conclusion you can draw after watching this video is that the people running the FDA, CDC and the members of the outside committees approving these vaccines are either completely incompetent or totally bought off.
And this stack just published, looking at the UK vaccination of children.
The UK Government has quietly confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing children at an unprecedented rate.
Shocking figures contained in an official report, published just hours before Boris Johnson announced his resignation as Prime Minister of the UK, reveal Covid-19 vaccinated children are:
· 45x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated children and
· 137x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated children
What we discover from the above is that triple vaccinated teenagers are 136% / 2.35x more likely to die of Covid-19 than unvaccinated teenagers, and 38% more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated teenagers.
The worst figures in terms of all-cause deaths are however among double-vaccinated teenagers. Official UK Government data reveals that double vaccinated teenagers, with a mortality rate of 36.17 per 100,000 person-years, are 149.3% / 2.5x more likely to die of any cause than unvaccinated teenagers with a mortality rate of 14.51 per 100,000 person-years.
To summarise, the official UK Government figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics, prove that COVID-vaccinated children and teenagers are more likely to die of both Covid-19 and any other cause than unvaccinated children and teenagers.
This indicates that in regard to Covid-19, vaccination is actually worsening the immune response to the alleged virus and increasing the risk of both hospitalisation and death. But in regards to all-cause deaths, this indicates the Covid-19 injections are directly killing children.
Do you remember the GFC, and how we found out that Wall Street would go to a “ratings agency” with one of its toxic mortgage products and the agency would rubber stamp it as “AAA”, and with that fraudulent rating “approval” they would “mint credibility”, and with that credibility they got the “AAA bonds” inserted into portfolios all over the world. Remember…?
Remember how smart you felt when you read about it all in the financial section of the paper years after the fact, shaking your head in disapproval while sipping your Saturday morning almond latte?
You might even have read or watched Michael Lewis’s masterpiece The Big Short, and you might even have fond memories of Margot Robbie in a bathtub explaining the whole thing to you.
Well, this is that story all over again, except:
The corrupt agency is the FDA not Moody’s
The rubber stamped product is a vaccine and not a mortgage backed security
The target destination for insertion is a baby not a pension fund’s portfolio
The woman explaining it to you is Clare Craig in her study rather than Margot Robbie in a bathtub
The stakes are a dead or damaged child not -15% on your portfolio
Would you pay more attention, and find it more credible and start telling your friends if Clare Craig got into a bathtub?
I cannot fathom the depth of the abyss between ‘safe and effective’ and every aspect of your excellent Stack. My triple jabbed son and his wife gave birth to their first child 3 months ago. She’s healthy with no complications and their attitude is that it’s all fine and dandy and here’s the proof that her grandparents are just a pair of paranoid Cassandras and thus banned to say a word on the topic. Honestly, it’s Kabuki theatre with multiple masks in our family. I never imagined such exquisite pain could erupt in our peaceable lives.
While your publication is good quality, Malone doesn't accept comments from people who are not paying him, and he is not worth a penny:
He is two days late publishing stuff that is partial truth: