In a conversation with a friend a few weeks back, and in discussing childhood vaccination I said:
A healthy baby plus a chemical cocktail cannot equal a healthy baby.
It made sense to me then, and having thought about it more, it makes sense to me now. In fact, it’s a formula:
1 + X ≠ 1
And you guessed it, the only way this formula works is if X = 0.
Said another way:
Health + X ≠ Health
I came across this clip on Twitter where McCullough is warning parents not to give the genetic jabs to their kids. What’s interesting is the very last 10 or so seconds where he says:
“It cannot make a child healthier…”

This is quite a milestone for McCullough, I believe that not only does he realise what he is saying, but that it is part of a larger awakening in him.
“If a child is healthy as baseline, there is no way on earth that child can be made healthier…”
This is not only a dagger to the spiritual heart of Covid genetics, but in fact, it’s a dagger to the spiritual heart of childhood vaccination.
To understand what I mean, let’s look at the very first injection into a baby, the Vitamin K injection.
The whole childhood vaccination sham begins with this “vitamin” that’s not a vitamin.
The article I wrote in May 2022 is a detailed explanation of what that means. For now I just want to focus on the ingredients in 1 mL of injectable fluid:
2mg - Phytonadione (which is synthetic Vitamin K)
70 mg - Polyoxyl 35 Castor Oil
37.5 mg - Dextrose Monohydrate
9 mg - Benzyl Alcohol
? mg – Hydrochloric Acid
No, I’m not making any of this up. Read the article and read the Product Information data.
So, now that you have tried to pronounce all the names a few times, let’s do some maths. An mg is a milligram. If we add up all the milligrams (excluding the Hydrochloric Acid, because we don’t know the amount) it adds up to 118.5 milligrams (mgs).
2 mgs (1.7%) of Vitamin K (synthetic), I’ll call it sVitK
116.5 mgs (98.3%) of the above chemical stew, I’ll call it ChemStew
Remember, this is injected into the baby WITHIN HOURS of birth.
Remember this is a PERFECTLY HEALTHY baby. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with it, nor deficient in it. Mother nature didn’t spend a few billion years perfecting this newborn baby for it to be deficient or in need of anything.
She is the absolute definition of HEALTH.
Let’s assume for a moment that the sVitK was perfectly safe (as we know there is no such thing, but humour me), which leaves us with 116.5 mgs of ChemStew.
So, let’s go back to my formula, which it turns out even McCullough now agrees with:
Health + X ≠ Health
And replace the X with:
Health + ChemStew ≠ Health
Because babies cannot talk, they cannot tell their parents nor the doctor to fuck off. They also cannot communicate specific responses within their body once ChemStew has been injected. They can just cry, while her parents look on lovingly in the oh so delicious comfort of their absolute ignorance of what they have just done. This inability to communicate immediately and specifically is a pillar of vaccine orthodoxy.
The lag between injection and symptom is also another major pillar.
If you inject her within hours of birth but realise that she has delayed speech development at age 5, or vitiligo (skin discoloration) or problematic bed wetting or etc. etc. etc.…why would you suspect that it was ChemStew and even if you suspected it, how would you ever prove it?
And so it is, that time buries the evidence under layer after layer of this thing we call life.
Here is McCullough again, this time talking about his awakening on other vaccines.
Here are my some of my favourite lines:
“I never questioned vaccines”
To all of you who continue to have blind faith in all doctors, here is one of the smartest, most honourable, bravest, most published, and credentialed doctors IN THE WORLD, admitting that his own critical thinking on chemical injections into babies, children and adults had stopped working.
“I assumed they were safe and effective”
Even McCullough fell for the “assumption” trap. Monkeys and Bananas.
“It wasn’t my area of research”
One of the advantages of hyper specialisation is that everybody can point the finger at someone else. Science generally but medicine specifically has turned this responsibility shifting device into an artform.
“When I was asked to support a vaccine…I did so”
“When I was asked to take the influenza vaccine, I did so”
And the punchline…
“Since all of this has happened…I have called into question even those vaccines”
A friend has been trying to help his wife wake up to Covid jab lies, he asked her to watch Vaxxed 2, he especially wanted her to watch the last 30 minutes. She recently did. It did the job.
If you were going to only watch one doco, watch Vaxxed 2.
If you were only going to spend 30 minutes then just watch the last 30 minutes of Vaxxed 2 and listen to all the parents of unvaccinated children tell you how healthy these kids are, how they never go to the doctor, how they have hardly ever been ill and if ill, its mild and short. This is the only place I am aware of where we get to SEE the vision of what our children (and all of us for that matter) might have been like had we not pumped them with a toxic stew.
Oh, and another theme among the unvaxxed kids is just how smart they are…
I’ll end with one of my favourite quotes of the last 2.5 years from Dr. Robert Malone:
The biomedical world that I thought I was living in has been revealed to be a sham. The legitimacy of the industry and discipline that I have committed my entire professional life to is in shambles. I am now embarrassed to call myself a vaccines and biodefense expert, because the fundamental corruption inherent in those domains has been so clearly revealed. I cannot unsee what I have seen. I cannot recapture all of those years spent in a profoundly corrupt academic system, spent supporting a deeply compromised discipline which appears primarily driven by financial interests rather than by what I had naively believed was a commitment to saving lives. I chose to not pursue the careers of my father and father in law, which were spent building weapons of war. Only to find that I had inadvertently played a significant role in enabling one of the most tragic medical follies in the history of man.
As a parent of 2 young adults, I've had to make some hard apologies to my progeny. If I could go back, they'd be vax free from day one.
I was born addicted to nicotine, my mom smoked. Smoking was considered a healthy habit back in the day, doctor recommended! And she didn’t know any different, I don’t blame her. But now I wonder about those doctors…