Furin Fakery: On Virus Porn, Cleavage and Surgery
“A flying pink elephant would be a million times more likely.”
Who would have thought that the Covid virus has cleavage?
Well it does. I guess that makes it a she/her.
It’s not natural cleavage, she went in for surgery. For enhancement. I’m not being judgy, each virus to their own.
The place where viruses go for bodily enhancement is commonly referred to as a “lab” and less commonly but more specifically, a “bio-weapons lab”, as this is quite specialised surgery.
Why would a virus go in for surgery and for bodily enhancement? Simple; to make it more attractive.
More attractive to who? Simple; human cells.
Who did the surgery? The Americans and the CCP (it seems into a Joint Venture of sorts).
Who made the “parts”, that were used? The Americans (no guessing here, we know).
Who owned the patent on the part? Moderna.
But let’s go back to the top for a second, to the bit about cleavage as a way of becoming more attractive.
Dr. Jessica Rose just did an interview where she discusses the virus, the jab and specifically jab injuries. She just got booted off Twitter, so clearly, she is a truth teller. She has become the worlds leading authority on analysing the US adverse reaction system, VAERS.
Which reminds me of a comment from a 40 year registered nurse I saw on a Substack the other day, I cannot remember which, where she said that her response when accused of being an anti-vaxxer is to say “No, I’m not an anti-vaxxer, I’m a Vaccine Injury Specialist”. I think that is perfect!
Well, that is exactly what Jessica is, the world’s leading Vaccine Injury Specialist.
She reminds me of “the surfer” Kary Mullis; she has an easy going directness about her, and she is a surfer. She writes a wonderful Substack here.
Here is her bio.
Here is a trailer to the whole interview:
![Twitter avatar for @barak_a_m](https://substackcdn.com/image/twitter_name/w_96/barak_a_m.jpg)
I recommend you watch the whole thing here.
Avi Barak's interview with Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose
Here is a useful breakdown of the interview.
This article is specifically about the discussion from minute 9.30, where she discusses the virus SARS-CoV-2, mRNA tech and jab injury.
So, let’s set the scene…
The virus has spikes on it, it’s these spikes that help it to attach to human cells.
The virus is from the family of common cold viruses. It’s certainly not Ebola, as much as the global media campaign wants you to believe that it is.
The spike proteins that sit on the surface of the virus have bumpy bits on them, think of them as “knuckles”, these are the key “attachment” areas that help it latch onto a human cell and ultimately get the whole virus into the cell.
The “enhancement” has been made at these “knuckles”. A “code” has been inserted into these spike “knuckles” that causes the whole spike protein to split, to cleave, when it reacts with an enzyme (furin) from a human cell.
Think of the spike protein as a ball, and there are all these balls on the surface of the virus. One of these “balls” comes in contact with a human cell, and the natural enzymes of that human cell (furin) interact with a code, a “program”, that was inserted into the ball, that causes the ball to split in two.
The bottom half of the ball is still attached to the virus, but this “cut” half-ball is MUCH MORE INFECTIOUS than the full intact ball. It is MUCH MORE attractive to the human cell and penetrates it much more easily (absolutely no pun intended).
This code has been inserted at what they call the “Furin Cleavage Site”.
This from Chudov.
Another, separate feature discussed in Pradhan’s article, is the “Furin Cleavage Site”, or FCS. That site, also located in the spike protein, is a sequence of proteins encoded as “PRRAR”, that cleaves (separates) the spike protein into two parts when it encounters cellular enzyme furin. It facilitates effective infection. FCS is not present in any other sarbecoviruses.
If you’ve been reading resistance literature for some time, you might have heard about the Furin Cleavage Site before, if not, this would be your first time. There are several ways to arrive at the conclusion that this virus has been tampered with and enhanced, but if you want to keep it simple and you had to make your case with only one piece of evidence, then the Furin Cleavage Site is all that you would need to prove your case.
Jessica Rose accurately describes it, in the interview, as a “System of Infectivity” that is present on “this version” of the virus and wasn’t there in SARS-CoV-1.
If you’ve had Covid, most likely it was without symptoms, or to use their favourite term it was asymptomatic, which means that although the “infectivity” of the virus has been artificially amplified, your natural immune system was STILL able to deal with it.
But, if you had symptoms, mild or severe, what you need to come to terms with, is that the illness you experienced was “made in a bio-weapons lab”. Yep. You are the victim of a bio-weapons lab product. I’ve had Covid, so I’m there with you.
Not only was it made and enhanced in a bio-weapons lab, but the “part” used to enhance it has a patent dating back to 2016 on it. Yes, you can patent this sort of stuff now. If you come up with your own particular sequence of biological material in a lab, you can get a patent on it. How cool is that!
The particular code (gene sequence) that was inserted into the Furin Cleavage Site was this little beauty:
Who owns the patent on this sequence? Moderna.
If this is the first time you are hearing this, there is probably a conflict going on inside of you right now. A mixture of emotions that range from WTF!?!?! to “no way this can be true…Unbekoming has lost his mind.”
The right emotion should be fury.
This has been known for a very long time, which means that your government has been lying to you…about everything.
It didn’t come from a “wet market” it IS a “bio-weapon” and it has parts in it that were made by the same company whose “vaccine” your government approved to inject into you.
This from Arkmedic:
In order for that sequence to have arisen in that virus, the virus which was manufactured with its HIV inserts, had to have had been infected into patented cell lines supplied by Moderna that had that unique sequence not seen in any other virus.
In theory nothing is impossible in science, medicine or genomics. A SARS virus emerging naturally with 3 HIV inserts at its binding sites and also containing a furin cleavage site that doesn’t exist in nature but does exist in a Moderna patent… that’s seriously crazy talk. It doesn’t exist.
A flying pink elephant would be a million times more likely.
I’m going to leave the HIV angle alone for now. If you want to understand that, get stuck into the Further Reading below.
If you’ve never seen a patent before, let alone a gene patent, well this is your lucky day, you get a two for one. This is the Moderna gene patent number 9,587,003.
First filed on 4th February 2016.
You will notice in the top left hand corner of the patent: Bancel et al.
Bancel is the CEO of Moderna, this guy.
This whole clusterfuck pendulums between the horrific, to the surreal, to the comical and back again to the horrific.
As Desmet says, and I agree with his formulation, 30% are asleep and lost, 10% are awake and up to 60% are the big middle that needs to be helped and won over. They go along to get along; they have not fully bought into all the lies, but they are not awake yet either.
I write for several reasons, but one of them is to help the 60% in the middle, get that little bit closer to the entrance of Plato’s cave, to where the light is coming from, to see what is outside the cave rather than just live off the flickering shadows on the wall.
The science in this space if highly complex and dense. You don’t need to understand it, God knows very few people do. You just need to come to terms with some simple questions and their answers, and then orient yourself around those answers.
Is the virus manipulated and enhanced?
What was it enhanced to do?
Has my government told me the truth about the virus?
Were the bases on which I took the jab false?
Was I lied to?
Have I been conned?
What else have I been conned about?
Having listened to Jessica, I want to leave you, especially if you are Australian, with these State bio-fascists who have ruled and ruined our lives during the GMC.
When Arendt was writing about evil’s banality, she had these people in mind.
Listen to Jessica, and listen to them, and see who you believe and who you think is being more truthful.
Who do you trust with your health?
Further reading for those that want to get technical:
VAERS for people who hate WONDER (jessicasuniverse.com)
How to BLAST your way to the truth about the origins of COVID-19
Sars-Cov-2 was Lab Made Under Project DEFUSE
Moderna Patented CANCER GENE is in Sars-Cov-2 "Spike Protein" (substack.com)
How did Moderna's Patented Sequence End up in Sars-Cov-2?
Absolute proof: The Gp-120 sequences prove beyond all doubt that "COVID-19" was man-made
Gaslight of the Gods, part VII: Allegory of the Plague
Moderna Patented Key COVID Spike Protein Sequence in 2016
Moderna's mRNA Mystery - by Spartacus - ICENI Bulletins
Lab Leak Theory - New article shows link to patented gene in SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage site
The Bat Lady from Wuhan and the Very Clumsy Lies She Tells
Head of the Lancet COVID-19 Commission discusses the likely Lab Origins of SARS-CoV-2
🙌👏👏👏🤣😂👌👌We know they did it. They know we know they did it. Who cracks first?
They CANT admit it. Its so ridiculously costly, it breaks every social, financial and governmental contract. So they have to keep denying it, until the public get tired, sick and or enough die that it fades into obscurity, until 20 years down the track and some young journo decides to fast track their career and dig up the scandal of the century.....🤨😉
Oh come on, it's just a random coincidence that sars-cov-2 is the only betacoronavirus ever discovered with a FCS whose codon sequence just randomly matches the Moderna patent. Again just a coinky-dink. ...pure 1 in 10 million happenstance.
It's not like this betacoronavirus was a chimera from a lab that happened to be headed by someone (Dr. Shi aka "bat lady") trained by the person (Ralph Baric) who developed and published the process as to how to insert a FCS seamlessly into a virus without that insertion being easily detectable.
Plus there's absolutely no way that a lab tech could have gotten infected by such a chimera in a level 2 or 3 lab and then accidentally infected other people like occurred several times with Sars-Cov-1 and several other viruses previously in China and elsewhere.
So this was a clearly a virus that jumped from a bat living over a thousand miles away through an intermediate species into humans fully adapted to attach to ACE-2 receptors for human to human transmission (unlike Sars-cov-1 and MERS). Well, that's perfectly clear since recent peer reviewed articles said so as was reported in the pharma funded corporate news. And we all know how reliable and trustworthy such pharma funded corporate news sources are. So what if they've had over 80,000 tests of animals and they couldn't find that intermediate host species.
But those humanized mice with their human ACE-2 receptors in their lungs in the WIV and Chinese CDC labs sure are cute. ...aren't they?