I first read about Blue-Green breast milk in Naomi Wolf’s important article from May 2022. Clearly something was not quite right from what they discovered in the Pfizer documents, but I couldn’t find out anything else about it, so forgot about it.
Here is Naomi in May:
Since no babies died in the brief time frame of the tiny study, the study concluded that nursing babies suffered no real ill effects from vaccinated mothers. But the study did not follow these poor babies, with their acknowledged sleeplessness and their confirmed GI distress, to see if they actually “thrived” — gained weight and developed normally.
On such faulty science were women assured that the vaccines were “safe and effective” for them and their nursing babies.
But — four of the lactating vaccinated women in the Pfizer documents reported “blue-green” breast milk. I am not making this up. And the nursing baby who died, with an inflamed liver — the case has been buried; has not made headlines.
Then I wrote about the 44 French Rats, and I started to think about Blue-Green breast milk again.
Which led to a discussion with a friend at work, Murphy’s dad, about the subject. To my surprise, he told me that he’d heard about it in his circle of friends. I asked him to write me a note to share, and here it is:
Like a lot of people who live in Sydney, I got Covid for the first time in late 2021. Unfortunately for me it was on or around the 21st of December meaning I was stuck in my apartment over Xmas with just my 4-month pregnant partner and our dog. While I was not the only one in Sydney, I was actually one of a group of 24 of my friends who all contracted it for the first time at the same time.
Two friends of mine have birthdays either side of Xmas and for about five years have organised a boat party on the Saturday before Xmas to celebrate. So, on the 21st of December 2021, 26 people walked onto a boat and partied for five hours before getting off the boat and going back to a friend’s house until the early hours of the morning.
Fast forward 72 hours and 24 of the 26 have tested positive for Covid (all double vaccinated other than me) with the other two already having had it.
As a 32-year-old, a lot of my friends either have a young baby or are pregnant. Unfortunately, no one listened to me when I tried sending them peer reviewed literature that Covid did not increase the risk of birth defects, still births or death to the mother so they all scared each other into getting a jab that was not tested on pregnant women, my partner included.
In early 2022, amidst the typical conversations around Xmas, isolation, Covid etc. one thing that popped up was green breast milk. One night when we were at a friend’s place (who was on the boat) for dinner, let’s call her M, my partner mentioned another friend of ours, let’s call her T, having green breast milk. In response to the story about T, M reacts with shock to confirm that she too had expressed green breast milk. While I was not there to see it, it was described as “bright green” which I guess is not normal but also probably a bit of hyperbole. The girls spoke about it and landed on the notion that Covid was the cause in the same way phlegm and mucus becomes more green when you contract the flu.
This sort of made sense to me so I smiled and nodded.
Fast forward to mid-2022 and my beautiful baby is born. I had not really thought too much of it until now (thank you Naomi Wolf), but my partner and I have definitely noticed a greenish tinge on the milk she has expressed at moments in the past 4 months – not “bright” green but green nonetheless – and other than in the past two weeks she has not had as much as a sniffle.
I suppose this must be another thing to blame on ‘long’ Covid…
Now, I’m not into scaring people, the MGM Triad does a good enough job of doing that, I just want to know whether I am in the vicinity of truth, or likely truth, or not.
So, I went to that most trusted source of truth, Google, to see what their sorting-hat algorithm would serve me on the subject. I wanted to see if discoloured milk was reasonably common. It served me this:
Breast Milk Color: What Color Is Breast Milk Supposed to Be? (whattoexpect.com)
Blue breast milk
Mature milk can naturally have a bluish tint to it like very thin skim milk.
Green breast milk
Eating a lot of green foods like spinach or seaweed can make your milk look green. Same goes for taking certain supplements like chlorella.
So, discolouration of breast milk isn’t exactly a brand-new occurrence, but I’m not convinced that the result of the Pfizer trial is because of “mature milk” or “eating too much spinach”.
I think there is more to the story.
So, I went looking and found this:
A recent literature review found the vaccines to be safe in breastfeeding women…
Just ignore all of this:
4-8% reporting a blue-green discoloration in breast milk in one study, and another case of blue-green breast milk reported in another study.
Side effects in infants post-vaccination in multiple studies. 12% of infants had side effects in one study that was reported by the authors of the literature review as “88% of women reported no infant side effects”.
The study where 36% of infants had a respiratory infection in the 14 day post-vaccination follow up.
Antibodies in breast milk in multiple studies. One found that they persist for up to 6 months. Which could be concerning considering the original antigenic sin potential of these vaccines.
The extremely high rate of side effects to the mothers in another study, 89.4% in Pfizer and 98.1% in Moderna respectively (that was omitted from the literature review).
Decreases in breast milk supply in multiple studies.
I don’t think this has anything to do with eating spinach or seaweed.
If we go deeper into this August 2022 study:
COVID-19 vaccines - Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) - NCBI Bookshelf (nih.gov)
One hundred eighty nursing mothers in the US who received two doses of an mRNA vaccine completed a questionnaire for 7 days after each dose of vaccine. More subjects reported adverse effects after the Moderna vaccine than the Pfizer-BioNTech, especially after the second dose. Milk supply decreased in a small number of women, but it was most prevalent after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine. Between 4% and 8% of mothers noted a change in milk color after a dose of vaccine, usually to a blue-green color.
A survey of 1784 lactating women in Singapore who received either the Pfizer-BioNTech (79% of respondents), Moderna, Sinovac or Astra-Zeneca vaccine found that 5.6 to 14.4% of women reported either an increase or decrease in milk supply. Those who received non-mRNA vaccines were less likely to report any change in milk supply or soreness in the breasts compared to those who received mRNA vaccines. Exclusively breastfeeding women were more likely to report breast engorgement and changes in breast milk supply. Symptoms lasted a median of 3 days. Overall, 2.3% and 2.4% of women reported a change in milk color following one or two doses, respectively.
Now this comment from Maria Romana to Jestre’s article:
Without going all TMI on you folks, I want to share that I once experienced the "blue green breastmilk" when my babies were young. We went on a ski trip and took the twin bambinos with us. My mom was watching the babies during the day, so I could have fun skiing. Only problem was, after two or three days of high-elevation all-day skiing, my breastmilk (which I was pumping for her to feed them) turned into something that looked like blue-green water instead of milk. I took a day off from skiing, hung out with Mom and the kids all day, and by that night, my milk had resumed its normal white color and thickness. For the rest of the trip, I only skied every other day, and had no more blue milk. I never bothered to investigate what happened, I just assumed that my body couldn't manage the nutritional needs of that much exercise and still produce milk for two babies.
I wonder if there's anything similar going on with the vaxxed mamas out there--like, are their bodies hoarding nutrients to deal with some chronic illness they now have? Or are their hormones just so unbalanced they can't produce healthy milk anymore?
Jestre’s reply:
Nutrient hoarding is an excellent hypothesis. It aligns with some of the infants feeling tired or irritable/agitated. I have no idea otherwise.. The research in this area has been extremely weak in my mind.
There is something going on here.
There is no doubt that the mother’s body is producing spike, and for long periods of time, months at least. We know this to be true.
We also know that spike is in the breast milk and being consumed by the baby.
Does this have anything directly or indirectly to do with the blue-green situation?
I think that “Nutrient Hoarding” is a reasonable working hypothesis.
Which means that what the baby is drinking has less nutrients that it should, and more spike than it should (spike should be ZERO).
Now, repeating one of the bullet points above:
Antibodies in breast milk in multiple studies. One found that they persist for up to 6 months. Which could be concerning considering the original antigenic sin potential of these vaccines.
So, let’s pause here for a moment.
We have been hearing about OAS (Original Antigenic Sin) for a long time, and almost nobody knows what it means. Here is a decent take on it from Oct 2021 from our mate el gato malo:
it all comes down to B cells that store recipes for antibody production working very quickly when faced with the familiar yet slowly when faced with a novel intruder.
so they go with what they know and this crowds out more specific and better adapted response. you do the dumb thing ingrained by habit and you get bad outcomes. this same thing can happen in T cells as well.
this can mean a vaccine ultimately winds up making infection worse or a wide variety of other outcomes.
In a nutshell, it means that the jab, because of the highly specific spike it produces and floods into the system, turns the immune system into a one-trick pony, generating an antibody response to one thing and not paying good attention to everything else.
The amplified problem here is that spike is being ingested by the baby, during a time where its entire immune system is being built and developed from scratch. Which means babies immune systems are “fixating” on spike and developing far too narrowly as a consequence. Well that at least is a very reasonable working hypothesis, seeing that we now, as citizen journalists, are left to piece this together, because “they” will not do the work that proves they messed up.
So, we have landed on two, very problematic, working theories:
Nutrient deficiency in breast milk
Developmental impairment of the developing baby’s immune system
Not good!!
This mother’s letter to Jessica Rose is worth reading:
Babies are being maimed; harmed. Women are being gaslighted. Breastmilk, which is literally medicine for a growing baby, is contaminated and causing harm because of these disastrous injections. This is evil. My heart is breaking every day. Every time I breastfeed my son with my milk I am so emotional. I want more kids but I'm terrified of the medical system. They doctors are in on this crime and are deliberately ignoring obvious data. I don't even want to take my son back to the doctors for anything. It feels like going to a crime scene. I think of all the women I know who got this shot but want kids one day. They don't even know what they're in for and for their sake I hope I'm wrong, but damn.
What have we done?!
“Do No Harm”
Could share much about this topic but broke down sobbing in the chook house yesterday when my mind only briefly grazed it. Funny you should write about it today. I need to let things settle for now. Thank you for remembering it.
Yes it sounds awful. We know we are dealing with psychopaths. This isn’t new news but it’s much more solid than green milk: https://robertyoho.substack.com/p/149-understanding-hot-lots#details
These are your odds of blowing your brains out when you play COVID vax Russian roulette.