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A Collage of Reader Comments (1)

With thanks.

My son reminded me of this Osho clip recently.

I’d seen it before, but it never gets old. He wasn’t trying to be funny, but we laugh because it’s true. Before Covid, I would have related to the truth of this clip like most others I guess, that of frustration with the two party system and the “average voter”, knowing full well that I wouldn’t replace democracy with any of the other systems on offer. Osho’s critique is just that, a critique of the best system we have.


Post Covid, I have a different take on it and the word “retarded”.

What if you could retard a population?

If you could control all sense making machinery and “retard” people into the fetal position with fear and then more fear and then some more for two years and counting. What do you have then? What does democracy serve up? Well, it seems to serve up the authoritarianism of the smothering mother.

Anyway, it’s still funny.

One of the joys of writing this Substack is the people I’ve met online. Nothing retarded about you lot. The two way exchange with my readers through the Comments has taught me plenty over the last year. There are some very smart and funny people out there, something that was easy to forget while they did their best to isolate us all over the last two years.

I’ve chosen some of the best comments for sharing in the piece. Timestamped they are a diary of sorts.

A letter to my two adult kids: Vaccines and the free Spike Protein

skintnick - Sep 26, 2021

"If you need any evidence at all that there is structural, centralised malfeasance at play, look no further than Ivermectin and this subject generally." yes, I agree, I had this realisation in early autumn 2020, and have seen "the narrative" for the cult you describe ever since.

Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. So many realise this subconsciously and are simply unable to look or acknowledge the facts.

9 Thoughts on helping family + friends wake up from COVIDmania

James Mac - Writes James’s Newsletter ·Jul 12, 2021

Like you I've been reading Omar Khan's writings. And particularly enjoyed the recent one, Flu d'etat. And that's how l came to read this post of yours which I found thought provoking and hopefully a useful guide (for me) as to how to awaken one's own family and friends to the lies and the theft that is being played out before our eyes. I have found it hard to even converse with people. Most simply accept the narrative and never question. Quite depressing that so many well educated middle class people seem to have had all critical faculties educated out of them, (erased/brainwashed would be a more accurate description but that's modern life for you - TV, Netflix etc. it dulls the mind).

I don't consider myself that well educated or even that well read. Maybe I was lucky not to have had a university education because for what ever reason I have never trusted governments or the media to be completely honest and free from 'agendas'. So right from the start I knew without being told by anyone that NPI guide lines were totally inappropriate and that we were being lied to for nefarious reasons.

I spent my young adult years pursuing a vocation to teach meditation (TM) in order to bring about an age of enlightenment. 'Water the root' is the best analogy I can use to illustrate the philosophy behind the idea that mankind needs to raise his consciousness in order to attune himself to natural law so his feelings, thinking, speech and action are more conducive to 'right action'. Little did I think the efforts of so many dedicated people around the world would be thwarted by the evil interests of the technocracy of corporate and political interests to deliberately undermine this work over the the last 50 years or so. But that's what has happened.

But for whatever reason this chaos is happening (is it our collective karma?) I have always believed that a better time will dawn for mankind and as the Maharishi told us the darkest hour of the night is the hour before the sun rises over the horizon. We'll get through this madness and the few enlightened writers who know what is happening have to keep sowing their seeds of wisdom so the rest of us can wake up.

Thank you for yours.

9 Insights to help you understand your latest Lockdown (Sydney Edition - July 2021)

Ziggity - Jul 21, 2021

I’ve been pondering some of the motivations behind this whole COVID delusion from the start. The usual suspects of power, wealth and influence are apparent, but I have been very curious as to what ideas move the real players behind it, the luminaries of COVID fascism. The Global MGM triad as you so brilliantly named them.

In our elite cultural circles, it’s a common belief that we are destroying precious “Gaia” by our population and technological growth. There’s very much a moral inversion in which the progress of mankind takes a backseat to more “pure” ends, like preserving nature. It’s a mish mash of Malthusianism, paganistic earth worship and Ludditism. Our betters know what is most important and they must rein in our excesses for our own good. The climate catastrophist movement is one of the more recent expressions of this. Of course, that’s just a play on the ancient theme of blaming bad weather on a scapegoat, but I digress.

Here in the US, we are constantly being influenced by a fear campaign based on several major phantom crises: Climate change, systemic racism, white supremacy, automation/AI and income inequality to name the most prominent.

If we would simply give over all control to the “very smart people,” they could deliver us from these evils.

Enter COVID, another invisible, existential threat that conveniently ties in to all those other threats. And this one is far superior to the others, for their purposes, as there are more visible, visceral consequences playing out in real time. We have a primitive, primal fear of disease that is easy to manipulate.

Covid is a wonderful opportunity to enact policies that line up with the ultimate goals of the Triad: Degrowth, destruction of independent wealth, depopulation. Utter chaos like what is unfolding in South Africa at the moment. Destabilize, then swoop in and enact central control. Make the populous desperate for the heroic big government to intervene.

There’s just too many mouth breathing rubes out there, competing for the resources that rightfully belong to the virtuous elite.

I doubt the truly big players believe in any of this nonsense, as their motivations are likely more about control and power.

They have a healthy army of useful idiots that do believe.

How to reduce Covid Jab Injury Risk

Mathew Crawford - Writes Rounding the Earth Newsletter ·Sep 24, 2021

Also, ice the area where the injection is to be received in order to reduce escape of as much of the mRNA as possible. The better it stays in the muscle tissue, the less risk of spike protein being produced by cells in the wrong places.

Scott Robinson - Nov 15, 2021

Thank you for the protocol aimed at avoiding vaccine adverse side effects.

I am 74 and a retired physician. I've now had three doses of Pfizer vaccine. First two doses were three weeks apart in February 2021. I pre-treated myself for the first dose based on information from South African Dr. Shankara Chetty who has had success treating COVID hypersensitivity reactions with antihistamines and anti-inflammatories. I had no reaction.

Two days after the second dose without further pretreatment (I had had no reaction after the first) I had a mild flu-like illness. Listening to the experience of Flávio A. Cadegiani, MD, MSc, Ph.D. from Brazil, I decided to up my game before the third shot. Dr. Cadegiani reported significant elevations in D-Dimer levels in his patients post vaccination indicating activation of the closing system. He also stated that he could blunt this with a pre-treatment dose of Ivermectin. I have been taking Aspirin 162 mg daily for eight years following recovery from a

mild CVA (so I wanted to avoid any hypercoagulaion). I sourced Ivermectin and took it the day prior to my third injection along with Quercetin/Zinc, Cetirizine, Pepcid. The third dose was completely uneventful. I avoid Vitamin C and D (my natural levels are over 50) due to a history of kidney stones.

Is this a War?

[Note: This piece hit a cord.]

Teresa Lock - Nov 7, 2021

Another great article. Every morning for the past year, the first thing I've done is jump on my computer to see if the nightmare might be over. Maybe, just maybe, the cavalry arrived while I was asleep and put an end to this. But that day never comes. Your essay has helped resign me to the fact that we are in this fight for the long haul. How we will prevail against such a massive and well-oiled machine I have no idea. But if we're going down we may as well do it on our feet. One thing's for sure: I'm immensely grateful for people like you.

sunhawk - Nov 8, 2021

I would like to echo everything you just said. I continue to get on the computer every day to check the same thing. I have to force myself to stay away from reading 'Resistance info and updates' for stretches of time and just live my life. But in many places people already can't live their lives the way they used; I myself just lost my job due to NY's vax mandate. I too am immensely grateful for the brilliant, ordinary people on Substack. It really helps.

Ricardo X - Feb 24, 2022

Thank you. It's always reassuring when I come across someone who has independently arrived at the same conclusions. In this case, that we are in a war and the battle-line is our epidermis. Many fell early and gave in to the fear and propaganda. Once they take the jab, they are POW and don't even know it -- or seem to even care. Most in fact are converted to enemy agents and traitors. But I like the idea that these people can be rescued from their POW camps of the mind. We must keep trying.

Duchess - Mar 7 2022

I am now re-reading this again...such a wealth of insight and exactly correct...War has come for us whether we want it or not. So glad you wrote this...I knew we were in a war back in Jan 2020, but as you state, this war has been going on before the bioweapon attack, and it will be multigenerational. I feel less alone. Thank you, particularly for the piece I couldn't put together...the CCP and the Networks seeming to work in I understand, the CCP will use them and then gobble them up. Makes perfect sense. God bless you! Keep writing.

19 Australian "Vaccine" Injury Stories

[Note: It was from Nov 2021 so maybe he’s changed his mind…maybe.]

Jules Vern - Nov 26, 2021

19 examples out of 18.5million fully vaccinated people. Pretty good odds!

Pfizer vs AstraZeneca vs Moderna

Teresa - Nov 14, 2021

I cannot believe this is what our conversations look like these days. Which of the 3 mandated poisons should I take to keep my family from starving? Fucking insane.

John B - Nov 15, 2021

Mate, you are much better off just downloading a fake app and showing that to the ConVid Nazis. All of these injections are poison and you are playing Russian roulette regardless of whatever precautions you may take.

What or who helped you wake up to The Covid Lie?

Mary - Nov 15, 2021

Well, in relation to the vaccination narrative at least, it was definitely my Dad's vaccine injury. Extremely severe, occurred after the second shot. It's basically been gaslighting by the medical establishment at every turn since, including by Dad's long term GP. No help is offered, no treatment, no answers (they don't appear to know what to do about it) and the vast majority of them appear extremely afraid to even call it a vaccine injury. I don't think any of these Doctors (or hospitals on two occasions) have ever reported the injury to the TGA . Sadly, after an appointment with a specialist (the only one of the many doctors Dad has seen who has been honest enough to call it what it is - a vaccine injury), he telephoned an immunologist friend of his, who confirmed there are others in our city suffering the exact same type of injury as my Dad. But nonetheless the Australian government are out there all day, every day, with the same clearly false narrative - the vaccines are 'safe and effective'. After this, I don't know how our family could ever be expected to trust anything the Australian Government says, ever again.

Hilary Wallace - Nov 15, 2021

I sort of accepted first lockdown. We’d gone from our home in Belgium to Scotland for our daughter’s wedding mid-March 2020. Of course the wedding didn’t happen and we got stuck for 6 weeks. I thought it all a bit over the top and the restrictions annoying but it wasn’t until the summer when things seemed better but then in Belgium masks were introduced that I started thinking.

I then started looking at the data and thought what is everyone so afraid of? I’m older but have a good immune system - I wasn’t worried and took the attitude that it was just one more risk out of many in life. I couldn’t see why we were upending our lives for a virus which wasn’t going to cause many more deaths than a bad flu. I could see and imagine the harms that lockdowns were doing and then we got the incessant news about vaccines.

Around September I could see exactly where we were heading. I knew Gates wanted an adult vaccination campaign and I knew the EU had plans for vaccine passports years ago. Both these were things of my nightmares being someone who has always stored great importance on being in charge of my own health. It wasn’t a stretch to see that this was part of a plan to change the way we all lived beyond recognition.

I still hope that more will wake up to where we’re heading but fear that the behavioural psychologists have been too good.

I said to my husband last year that it would all morph into climate change and here we are.

Le Chat Noir - Nov 16, 2021

I was very comfortable during lock downs, I actually really enjoyed them. But I didn’t think they were right or wise or fair. I felt horribly sad for small business owners like the young guy who ran a local cafe that was so popular because of its delicious food and his ability to change the old ladies haha.

I think it’s a combo of if you were comfy during lockdown AND you bought into the fear porn that you thought they were a good thing. I didn’t buy into the fear porn. It became obvious pretty quick that it was propaganda. I thought why this obsession with counting only these deaths? People die of plenty other things more! That was another thing that tipped me off, the overall hype was just too much.

John B - Nov 15, 2021

When they started off with the Italy lockdown last March, I looked at the Euromomo overall mortality data for that country and immediately sensed that something was not adding up.

Then came the Diamond Pricess cruise ship - a perfect 'Petri dish' environment, with predominantly old people crammed into a relatively small space for an extended period. This showed just how deadly - or rather not - this virus was.

After that it was pretty easy to see, for this one survivor of a communist country, just how very 'deja-vu' the political response was.

If you've lived in a totalitarian system once, like I have, you will know its likes pretty much as soon as the first signs start to appear.

And yes, the only way out of this is to NOT COMPLY.

Ignore the mandates. Don't wear masks. Try to be respectful to those who have fell into the Covidian cult, and remember that at least some of them may still be rescued and join our side, especially as more and more people are now beginning to know someone who has died or has had severe negative reaction from the 'jab'.

All is not lost yet.

Margaret Anna Alice - Writes Margaret Anna Alice Through the… ·Nov 15, 2021

Intriguing question! My husband and I were suspicious from the outset, so it was just a journey of accumulating more and more evidence to support our hypothesis that this was a manufactured Reichstagian crisis being used to justify introducing a state of emergency and subsequent authoritarian measures.

Same thing happened on 9/11. We were listening to NPR [insert prayers for penance here] on the way to work when we heard the announcement of the first plane crashing into the WTC. My husband’s first words were, “What did they do.”

James T Meadows - Nov 15, 2021

My original career and undergraduate degrees were all in chemistry. I was a science nerd beginning in my preteen years. My first professional job involved chemical research in a major chemical corporation. Therefore, in addition to numerous other perspectives and thinking models, the scientific method and research methodologies were always and still are an intrinsic component of my personality and worldview.

In the earliest days of COVID-19 gaining traction in the media I initially naturally remained extremely openminded because if indeed this was a major health concern, then I wanted to be fully informed. However, I quickly began to notice that many aspects of what was being propagated in the news media and from our national health officials and politicians struck me as being highly over-reactive. This immediately made me suspicious, prompting me to perform significantly more research on my own. This involved speaking with experts in the mainstream media and the conventional medical establishment. Additionally, I sought experts NOT so affiliated with the mainstream media and the conventional medical establishment.

As a scientifically trained person, it was not difficult for me to evaluate various opinions on the subject. A real clincher was when they started talking about manufacturing vaccines within a matter of a couple years to as little as several months. Upon hearing all that, everything within my being screamed THIS IS WRONG! I simply knew too much about how vaccines have been developed and the absolutely essential requirement for the animal studies, long-term experiments, testing, clinical trials, and data collection. From that moment forward I just knew something was horrifically wrong in this approach. I became convinced that the mainstream media was in collusion with many of our national governmental institutions as they all lied to the public.

Simultaneously, I was able to locate an increasing number of extremely intelligent and well-credentialed doctors, scientists, and other experts that produced reports and studies that exposed the COVID lies. The manner in which all the regular media outlets suppressed or censored these reports and studies was clear evidence to me of the COVID lie.

In addition to all the above, I also experienced an extremely powerful event that I could not ignore. In those earliest days of COVID-19 gaining traction in the media, my own trained intuition simply told me that this mainstream media message and the support of the conventional medical establishment were both based on a fallacy. Or as Malcolm Gladwell wrote in his seminal book, Blink, my "thin-slicing" was telling me a very different story.

Ar1968 - Nov 15, 2021

I read Ioannidis paper in Stats (March 2020), that was it for me:

Toby Rogers - Writes uTobian ·Nov 15, 2021

When government launched a full court press to block access to hcq even though the CDC's own research showed hcq was effective at preventing and treating coronaviruses.

Veronica Dayoub - Nov 15, 2021

I knew it was false right away. A year back they pushed hard in Cali to get rid of exemptions and mandate vaccines for school children using manufactured measles outbreaks. It was an extremely expensive endeavor for pharmaceutical companies. So, the pandemic was created so they could blanket U.S. under EUA and FEAR. All common sense, logic and science went out the window. I also saw the documents outlying the action steps they would take to control the populations. It was written in 2011. It’s called Lockstep. They were always counting on the ignorance of the populace.

[Note: If you want to understand what Veronica is talking about with Lockstep, you can read this and draw your own conclusions.]

2010: Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted 2020 ‘Lockdown’

Biljana - Writes Stories about Dogs and People ·Nov 15, 2021

The reaction of my local government (Macedonia) with implementing the lockdown measures immediately back in March 2020 - such efficiency, precision, alignment, and execution has never been its attribute. So, I knew something stunk big time. The Hollywood style propaganda, the booklets and the leaflets for social distancing. It didn't take long after that to discover GoF research, surveillance state mechanisms, and every other lie that accompanies this incredible war on the body, heart, and the mind.

Stephanie - Nov 16, 2021

I am a former lab Scientist with a specialist in Immunology. After they said it was a Corona virus, and knew it entered via ACE2 Receptor, none of the measures made sense , except the time to shore up healthcare facilities/staff. A respiratory virus is going to do what it does best, spread.

When my Sister in law, a nurse, said in early 2020 that all the ICU covid patients were diabetic and/or obese, I KNEW 1000%, that those at risk are insulin resistant,either diagnosed or undiaganosed and I knew my immune system was operating properly, as I corrected insulin resistance through a cancer clinical trial in 2017 who recommended I eat low carb.

I used minimal NPI, as I believe limiting oxygen is unhealthy and we have known for decades that masks don 't work for viruses IN THE COMMUNITY setting.

ACE2 receptors are upregulated in Insulin Resistant people, ACE2 receptors are in high quantity in adipose/visceral fat tissue.

Tom C - Nov 16, 2021

First of all, I rarely trust any government narrative. I have never fundamentally believed they have my interest in mind.

Second my gut told me the anecdotes weren’t adding up to the data.

Then I saw the Ionnadis data on infection fatality rates. Which made me go back and read the March 26 NEJM article by Fauci, Lane and Redfield that actually said.

“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.” Hmm. Imagine that.

Then in summer, I started to compare Mar/Apr to other pandemics, not one or two years back, but decades back. There were certainly precedents more dangerous than 2020. And the Euromomo data basically confirmed that after Mar/Apr, this probably technically didn't even qualify as a "pandemic" any more (without torturing the definition).

When Trump made the fatal error of giving the blueprint for governors to shut down the country, and put the proverbial fox in charge of the henhouse by making career bureaucrats like Fauci and Birx the heads, and shutting out private enterprise and frontline doctors, the writing was on the wall. Fools errands like masking, social distancing and hand washing were all you heard about. Trump instructing private enterprises to start churning out ventilators, like they were churning out ammunition during wartime. All to win popular support.

Then you saw the hyped up stories of emergency rooms supposedly overrun…only to find out they were faked. The temporary facilities being put up by many municipalities (or the 70,000 to Navy hospital ship Trump brought into New York City) went unused.

Then saw a few things like the media attacking Trump for his comments on HCQ, as I dug deeper I started to find the stories of physicians who were proactively treating this with several different therapies -- as opposed to sending people home untreated until they could come back to be put on a ventilator and die.

Once the propaganda for Warp Speed started, the end game was crystal clear to me. And the steamrolling through the safety data combined, and the bans and demonization of the effective therapies confirmed what was happening in spades.

Then the data from Israel and Britain was astounding.

And the steamroller continues to roll down the hill.

The Goat - Writes The broken world ·Nov 15, 2021

We were suspicious from the start - when the MSM started reporting that this thing was deadly, we started questioning. We have a family history of vaccine injury, so elected not to inject our children with anything, so we've been in an outside position since prior to the No jab no play rules in various Australian states. So as soon as the MSM and governments start going on about something like this we start looking at the motives, and it very quickly became obvious that the fear was being manufactured. This became even more obvious when the injections started rolling out, as they were obviously NOT as safe as claimed. It certainly doesn't help when we're seeing published, peer-reviewed, articles where anyone with half a brain can see the the data doesn't support the conclusions.

On a more personal, rather than familial, level, I'm also a student of history, and the parallels between what the governments and MSM are doing and the activities of inter-war Russia and Germany (in particular) were obvious to me from the very beginning, although it was a lot more obvious when they started forcing people to 'check in' everywhere they went in the name of 'contact tracing'. Living where I do I don't actually go out very often, so as far as the powers trying to trace my movements know, I haven't been anywhere in the past 4 months, and prior to that the only place I went was my work. As I may actually have to go into places in the near future I think I need to learn how to write Iosef Stalin in Cyrillic, and Cyrillic numerals...or just rely on the fact that my handwriting has been described as 'an ant dipped in ink wandering aimlessly across the page'

Scott Robinson - Nov 16, 2021

I am a recently retired anesthesiologist in Northern California. Since retiring, I have had a lot of time to keep current on pandemic issues. I would say that Ivor Cummins's Twitter posts led me to download the manuscript by Robert Hope-Simpson describing the seasonality of influenza epidemics which seems quite applicable to case curves reported around the world. Before severe Twitter censorship, one could read reports from practicing physicians in various countries having little effective treatment discovering repurposed drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Fluvoxamine among others, and finding them very efficacious when started early in the clinical course of COVID, keeping their patients out of hospital. Most of these Drs have very little reason to lie about their results. I have been used to discussing new techniques with colleagues and adopting these into my practice, keeping things that worked, and discarding things that didn't. It has been the greatest disappointment of my medical career to see a large cohort of my colleagues dismissing treatment that works, often in very medically underserved communities, also governments forbidding the use of safe drugs with promise, even to the extent of episodes like the withdrawn Lancet study seemingly purposefully designed to discredit the use of Ivermectin. Vaccine effectiveness waning has only solidified my opinion that we need adjunctive drugs in addition.

Peter Webster - Writes KOSMOS ·Nov 21, 2021

Marcia Angell in New York Review of Books 2004 and 2009 - The Truth About the Drug Companies - these articles aroused my total distrust and suspicions about BigPharma so when the pandemic hit there was no delay in seeing what the story was. Yet another scam, no doubt in my mind.

[Note: If you are wondering how hospitals killed people, this next one from Geri will explain. It has been the hardest to read for me.]

Geri - Nov 17, 2021

We live in a reddish state in the Southeastern US. When the news first came out in March 2020 that 2-2.5 million ppl would die by September, I thought, "Wow... that's a bummer. But 2-2.5 million over 6 months is 4-5 million annualized. In a country of 360 million... that's about 1.5% of the population. That will be sad... but, really... what are you going to do? Pandemics happen." The idea of shutting down our entire society over a death rate of 1-1.5% of the population was absolutely unfathomable to me- and insanity to anyone with any kind of grip on reality and context of life & death. Then, they started talking about hospitals overflowing and flattening the curve. It never made sense to me that we need "2 weeks to flatten the curve"... because then what? Surely they know that when they open back up after 2 weeks- the "curve" will spike again. It never made sense... but I didn't want hospitals to overflow... so I posted on FB for my friends, "Come on, guys - just 2 weeks - we can do this." (Please forgive me - it was the first & only time I supported this nonsense.) It seemed insane, but surely "the experts" know what they're talking about & we must do this, right? By the time Easter rolled around, I think I was basically in shock. My family & I are devout, Bible-believing Christians, and the idea of the CHURCH staying closed on the holiest day of the year- over an upper respiratory virus- was mind-boggling. I homeschool the kids & my husband works from home so our lives were minimally disrupted. But we made our weekly pilgrimages to the grocery store & Lowe's. What struck me in the grocery store was the fear in everyone's eyes - it was surreal. What struck me about Lowes was that we had to drive past a Mom & Pop patio furniture store - which was closed because it wasn't essential - and we would drive to Lowes which was absolutely packed day after day - in order to purchase all kinds of miscellaneous things, including patio furniture. Over the summer of 2020, although our lives were mostly unaffected by the day-in-day-out of "lockdowns" - it still broke my heart that all of my children's wholesome activities (ballet, sports, camps, etc) were shut down ... and OUR CHURCH WAS STILL CLOSED (live-streaming every week, of course)... but we would watch local news channels out of LA, Chicago, New York, etc... watching night after night of riots, looting, arson, violence on police officers, etc. The contrast was so stark from the freedoms of law-abiding citizens vs law-breaking citizens- it was nauseating. So definitely, by May/ June of last year, the gig was up in my mind. Then, June 24th hit... my mom was rushed to the ER for trouble breathing. My mom was in poor health... but one could seriously argue that 3-month's worth of lockdowns made her conditions much worse. Despite her health history & us have no reason to believe that Mom had Covid... the doctor was a Covid hammer looking for a Covid nail. He stuck her in the Covid-wing of the ICU (where no visitors are permitted) - while we awaited test results. Go back & check your news feed from late June/ early July of last year. Everyone & their brother were rushing out to get a Covid test at the first sign of a sniffle by their cousin twice removed. So all of the labs were backlogged.... by hundreds of thousands if not millions of tests. Including my Mom's. My mom lay strapped to a bed, strapped to machines - with no one around her for emotional support - and the only medical staff around were dressed in space suits and treated her like a disease-carrier - while we waited day, after day, after day, after day for results. All total - it took 7 days for us to get the results back on the first test- which was negative. But the doctor didn't believe it- so he sent off for a 2nd test (fortunately, the results on this one didn't take as long.) The whole time... my father & I were begging to be let in to sit with her & give her comfort - but they would not allow that until she got moved to the non-Covid wing... and she wouldn't get moved until the doctor had enough negative tests to satisfy him. Three. Three was the lucky number of negative tests in my Mom's case. We received the 3rd negative test on Day 9 and we couldn't wait to get her moved so we could be with her. My dad - her husband of 52 years - had been prevented from being from my Mom this entire time for "his safety." But guess what? When we got the go-ahead from doc to get her moved... there were no open beds in the NON-Covid wing of the ICU. Yep. You read that right. There was a waitlist of people to get moved to the NON-Covid ICU wing... while they held beds open in the Covid ICU wing "just in case." FINALLY - on Day 10, my Mom got moved. And we were FINALLY able to get in to see her. Have you ever seen anyone who has been on a ventilator for 10 days? The only thing left for us to do by then was to make the decision to pull the plug. When she went into the hospital, she was struggling to breathe, but was still coherent & communicative. Ten ventilated days later, she was basically a vegetable. Oh yeah - shoving everyone & their brother on a ventilator was pretty common Covid protocol last summer. And oh yeah - she didn't have Covid. My Mom passed peacefully on July 10, 2020. She spent her last several cognizant days on earth in the most inhumane and incompassionate circumstances you can imagine. Again, I am a devout follower of Jesus Christ (as was she) and I rejoice that she is fully healed now. But it was gut-wrenching to realize that the very people who are supposed to be caring for our health - have no idea what it is to be human & the importance of companionship at the most vulnerable times of our lives. To realize that those who hold the power of "healthcare" over all of society are thoroughly convinced that *the* one and only most important thing in life is to avoid an upper respiratory virus - is frightening & dystopian. Sorry for the long-winded story answer to your pretty straight-forward question. The whole experience has been dystopian. And I keep wondering when the adults are going to take charge again. Meanwhile, the US only recently crossed the 700k death rate (don't get me started on the number- I'm just using the number they give for simplicity). At 700k over approx 20 months... that's approx 420k annualized... not quite the 1-1.5% of our population that they tried to scare us with. And not a single intervention by any local, state, or federal government has done anything to meaningfully change the trajectory of the virus. Every life is precious. And... pandemics happen.

Le Chat Noir - Nov 16, 2021

Well, I thought something was off from the beginning when we were going into lockdown, because I thought that was insane and would harm more than it would help. And I am the last person to put money before people - I probably need to care a little more about money tbh. I’ve also always had a pretty sound trust in the government (Australia). But then after I saw the Chinese videos of people supposedly falling down dead I figured, well ok it must be worse than I think, like Ebola level bad.

So I had time in lockdown and did research. And I began to see it wasn’t as bad as the hype implied when I looked at the data. So again I was thinking these lock downs were mad… and why were all the governments doing the same mad things …and i forget the order, but two things started to really get me there.

One was seeing dr Pierre Kory’s impassioned plea to US Congress and how he was treated by Democrats there (suspicion of some right wing plot), and then how that was censored on YouTube and that ivermectin was actually banned in the officially YouTube guidelines. The second was finding out, on Australian Sky News (well before it was discussed in the US) that Fauci and co had funded the research in wuhan.

Then things like the fake Lancet papers and Event 201 really just hammered it home.

Major Influential sources for me have been Brett Weinstein’s podcast early on, The last American vagabond, James Corbett report, and recently Alex Berenson snd el Gato Malo on sub stack.

I now have no trust in my government or many major institutions and it’s really impacted my mental health. I’m currently on the precipice of losing my job if I don’t get the vaccine in the next two days. I’m not used to being the object of social derision and being called selfish. It’s upsetting to me because I’ve always been motivated by helping people and life definitely does matter to me. But so does quality of life. And public health is more than just the presence/a sense of a particular disease.

David - Nov 16, 2021

I too was suspicious after seeing the videos coming out of China, especially since Facebook wasn't operating in China. I lived with the lockdown narrative for a couple of weeks, then once Ivor Cummins in Ireland started analysing the data, I realised we were being conned. Then when Prof Borrody (Australia) (a hero of mine because of him finding out the root cause of stomach ulcers) said that his research showed that Ivermectin was a possible treatment only for that to be suppressed, that did it for me. I said to a buddy at the time - around late April 2020, that this will morph into climate change. Dr Mike Yeadon was next up with his warning "Your government is lying to you" and then Dr Malcolm Kendrick with his blog sealed the deal.

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