Eight blind mice, eight blind mice
See how they run, see how they run
They all ran after the mRNA shot
The doctor opened them up and found a clot
Did you ever see such a sight in your life as eight dead mice?
Eight dead mice, eight dead mice
See how they died, see how they died
They all showed damage to organ cells
Cancerous lesions and warning bells
Did you ever see such a sight in your life as eight dead mice?
Eight jabbed mice, eight jabbed mice
What have we done? What have we done?
Antibody titers all over the place
A meaningless measure in any case
How will this effect the human race, and eight jabbed mice?
(Credit to Conway Judge and MJH in comments section of this article by Igor Chudov)
The FDA just approved booster jabs. This reporting from Toby Rogers:
Yesterday, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee authorized a bivalent Covid-19 shot with the Wuhan strain and the Omicron variant.
The vote was:
19 yes.
2 no.A few thoughts:
The Wuhan strain is no longer in circulation. So they are vaccinating against a strain that no longer exists.
The Omicron variant that they are going to put into this shot is Omicron BA.4/BA.5:
1. By the time it gets to market in the fall, Omicron BA.4/BA.5 will likely no longer be in circulation.
2. There is no efficacy data whatsoever on vaccines against Omicron BA.4/5.
3. There is no safety data whatsoever on vaccines against Omicron BA.4/5.
4. They do not intend to gather any efficacy or safety data between now and when these shots will be released in the fall:
At the meeting, the manufacturers (Moderna, Pfizer, and Novavax) were asked what their production timelines are… and they said out loud, “So long as we don’t have to provide any clinical data, we’ll have them ready by fall.”
No one had a problem with that.
Ofer Levy said that he was concerned about the lack of safety data (there is none) and asked if the FDA intended to gather any. FDA vaccine head Peter Marks said that he was “comfortable” that the Sentinel BEST Initiative would catch any safety signals after these shots are introduced into the market. No one has ever heard of Sentinel BEST. Meanwhile Dr. Marks disparaged the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) that has shown 29,031 reports of death following Covid-19 shots.
So the FDA is going to introduce reformulated shots into the population this autumn with no safety data and then try to spot adverse events in the population after the fact using a safety system no one has ever heard of — while ignoring the system that has existed for 32 years that is showing a massive safety signal right now.
We are the experiment. But it’s not even really an experiment because they do not care about the data. We are the people they want to democide.
The FDA’s Actions yesterday were a violation of the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Helsinki, and the Hippocratic Oath.
The FDA has plunged the United States into a pre-scientific dark ages.
It’s not entirely true that there is no efficacy data, they spent some money of 8 mice. This again from Toby:
CDC budget: $10.6 billion.
FDA budget: $6.1 billion.
Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine revenue: $33 billion
Moderna Covid-19 vaccine revenue: $21 billion
Advance purchase order from the Biden administration for reformulated shots: $3.2 billion.
Total amount they were willing to spend on efficacy trials for the rejiggered booster? 8 f’ing mice.
You can buy these BALB mice on the open market. The most expensive one? $48.91. So Pfizer spent a grand total of $391.28 to measure antibody response from these shots (+ whatever it cost for mouse food and the little water bottle with the metal ball stopper in it). The mice were not autopsied so Pfizer spent $0 on safety. THAT’S how much they hate us.
So, for my Australian readers, that’s $571.29 AUD
Yep, to figure out whether these boosters “worked”, they spent $500 bucks on 8 mice.
Good to know the systems in place to determine that what is injected into our bodies is “safe and effective” is working so well, and so “efficiently”.
This from Igor Chudov:
Steve Kirsch, in a reply to my previous post about the Ba.5 booster being medical quackery, asked a question, what happened to the 8 mice in the trial? Did they die?
Given how amazing Steve is, I decided to take a look. Good thing I did!
The scientists extracted their blood for analysis.
Literally, the only data about these 8 mice come from the last two pages of Pfizer’s presentation. Pfizer analyzed their blood for antibodies:
You can see that the antibody titers for the Ba.5 booster, against Ba.5 variant, are all over the place! One mouse had a titer of 300, two more had titers of 700, two more had a titer of 1,500, one had a titer of 3,000, one had a titer of 7,000, and the last one had a titer of 22,000!
So, the 8 Pfizer standardized Balb/c mice, quite identical and reacting identically at producing Wuhan antibodies, reacted WILDLY DIFFERENTLY when producing Ba5 antibodies!!! One of them had an immune reaction producing 300 antibody titers, while another similar mouse produced 73 times more antibodies, or 22,000 titers!
Did the mouse who got a 73 times greater immune reaction, feel sicker? Did the mouse who got a 73 times lower reaction, get no protection from Ba.5 variant? Pfizer is not sharing that.
Think for a second about what would happen if these were not mice, but people. Adam would get the Ba.5 booster and develop X amount of antibodies. Whereas, his counterpart Zack would get the same shot, but produce 73X, or 73 times more antibodies!
So, Zack would have 73 times more intense, severe, or however you want to call it, reaction compared to Adam!
Would Zack, with his 73 times greater reaction to the same concoction, be much more likely to die of myocarditis? Would Adam remain completely unprotected due to his 73 times lower reaction?
We have no idea!
Nobody has any idea about it: me, you, Pfizer, or the FDA.
This from Tess Lane:
Seems like the Chernobyl power plant had better safety controls than the FDA! Also wasn’t the safety data provided by the completely unbiased Pfizer and Moderna?
Even the mainstream media reacted with less enthusiasm than what their sponsors are paying them for.

I’ll give the final two words to Toby with this comment of his from 1st July:
In some ways, the question before the VRBPAC was: are we going to live in a society based on logic and reason or not? And the VRBPAC voted 19 to 2 to reject logic & reason and retreat to a land of warped fantasy.
Esteemed scientists voted to end science as we know it because it failed to conform to their biases. In the process they are killing thousands (perhaps millions) in the real world. Wild.
And this from Sept 11 Thinking Points:
The FDA sees 8 mice as rock solid evidence on which to base national vaccine policy
the eyewitness testimony of tens of thousands of mothers of vaccine injured children as anecdotal.
See the problem there?
That tells us that it was NEVER about science it was always about power and profit.
Thanks for the shout outs!!! 🙌
I'm just heading over to Twitter to share this quote with Rochelle Walenksy.
“I’m uncomfortable that we would move forward—that we would give millions or tens of millions of doses to people—based on mouse data.” -- Paul Offit
19 on the FDA panel voted for it based on 8 mice?
Let's get the 19 of them lined up, give them whatever number of shots it is, and see how their AB titers do., and how safe and effective these are. After all, per Justin Trudeau who is an esteemed scientist in his own mind, it's just like charging the battery on your phone.