8 Australian Death and Injury Stories
From those that believed Greg Hunt when he said they were "safe and effective".
With thanks to Senator Gerard Rennick for standing up and posting these stories.
And also thanks to @jab_injuries_australia for the great work that Instagram page is doing.
As always, here is Greg Hunt, Australian Minister of “Health”, telling Australians it’s a Trial but also that it’s Safe and Effective.

Here is a wonderful video and great analogy about what lipid nano particles going through your body looks like. From Marc Girardot’s great article.
I first posted about 16 year old Faith back in October. She has been suffering from the Pfizer innoculation for almost 6 months. Here is the latest updates from her Mum who has travelled with her from Tasmania.
She is one incredibly brave girl.
“Day 8 in hospital in Melbourne, Faithy is being a real trooper but is not going to well today but is remaining positive considering everything that’s going on. She is constantly nauseous and in chronic pain but they are so helpful and caring here with a lot of support she going ok.
We still don’t have all the tests back and they do more every day, They believe that Faith may have a form of Functional Neurological Disorder hence the tic episodes but they are waiting on more results to totally confirm things.
Faith has the Doctors very concerned as she (and I wasn’t aware of) has a large amount of blood in her bowel movements and continues to loose weight even though they have her on a six meal a day plan, so more tests and more consults from the gastrointestinal team, today she has been fitted with a heart halter as they are also concerned that her heart race’s quite a lot.
Victoria health are now involved as the Doctor here registered Faith as an adverse reaction and they have asked for other test as well.The Dr is also doing an exemption for any further boosters.
Update 2
The results are in from all the specialists at The Royal Children's hospital Melbourne who have been treating Faith over the last 2 weeks and she's now able to be treated as an outpatient for the next few days, they will check in everyday and we need to stay in Melbourne until we have the ok to go back to Tas.( as I can do everything they are doing for her now)
She has been diagnosed with FND-functional neurological disorder and there is no quick fix it's going to take time, a full rehab team and many many things to get her back to any kind of new normal.
Unfortunately all the damage is already done she now just needs to learn to live with her symptoms ,it can be treated and can be fixed over time.
We also have the results re:abdominal pain as she has Gastritis or ulcers from lack of eating and too much medication apparently so we now have a plan for how to treat and helpher gut health , on a positive note we are getting somewhere as she's put on 500gms (thank god) .
I've also received a referral letter from Victoria health dept for a review in regards to her adverse event with the Pfizer (that's going to be a whole other fight)
I do have to say the everyone here has been fantastic to us both and the amount of care she has received is what you would expect in any hospital in any state of Australia and that's not what we previously experienced until here.
So Faith has a long hard road ahead of her but at least now we have some answers and a plan.
Thank you to everyone who has helped, called , supported the Go Fund me page and sent us messages we will keep you all updated but now at least we have a diagnosis BUT Faith will now start a very long road to her recovery.”
“My partner and I where overjoyed when we found out we where expecting in October last year. It was going to be our first child. We both live and work in central Queensland in the mines. I am an Electrician and my partner is a Fitter. When I was just 5 weeks pregnant, my employer (one of the largest mining companies in Aus) announced that they where mandating jab as a requirement for site entry. Facing the prospect of possibly losing my job if I didn’t get vaccinated, I went and spoke to 2 different GPs about what we could do. Both stated that vaccination was safe and recommended for pregnant women, and due to ATAGI guidelines, they where unable to give me an exemption for vaccination.
Still very unsure, but putting my trust in my medical professionals, we believe that I didn’t have any other option then to get the jab. Our doctors where pushing it, I was the highest income earner in our house and my job also provided us our house.
I had the dream first trimester. I was working full time, and ran my own business on my days off. I had no morning sickness, tiredness or anything. Our son (who we named Ollie), his genetic testing was perfect, he was measuring great, things where awesome. I had my first shot of Pfizer on the 10th of November, and had a mild fever and arm soreness. On the 8th of December we had our Nuchal Translucency scan at 12w5d. Ollie was measuring perfectly and even had the hiccups during our scan. Everything looked great. That same afternoon, I had my second dose of Pfizer. I experienced similar side effects to my first dose.
A few weeks later, over Christmas and New Years, I started to worry as I wasn’t experiencing any pregnancy symptoms. On the 4th of January we presented to the hospital, and found out that our sweet boy no longer had a heart beat. Based on his measurement, the doctors believed he had died almost immediately after our last scan. He had been dead inside me for nearly 4 weeks and my body had no idea.
On the 10th of January we delivered him, and sent him away for autopsy. We mentioned a number of times to the doctors that I had my jab the days before they believe he had died, but we where brushed off. I brought copies of our scans, all my blood work and offered to have that accompany him to assist with the autopsy and was told they didn’t need it. A week later, we received a call saying they now needed this information.
At the hospital, they indicated to us that it would be a couple of weeks before we could expect his body to be returned to us and potentially 3 months before the report would be ready. I called at 3 and a half weeks and was told it could be up to 3 weeks because of Covid delays for the body. I called at 4 weeks and was told maybe by 5 weeks. And then they called me and said it probably would be until at least 6 weeks that we would get his body back, but the lab could provide NO EXPLANATION as to why the delay was so long.
I feel like we’re getting the run around. I wanted to wait until we had his autopsy before I was going to share our story, but I don’t want any other family to suffer what we have gone through. I don’t know if we will ever get the real answer as to what it was caused his death. I felt backed into a corner with losing my job and house, trusting my doctors who insisted I would be in more danger if I didn’t get it. We now need to live with the what if’s for the best of our lives. We don’t want any other family to suffer like we are suffering. To our sweet Ollie boy, we are so heartbroken. 2022 was supposed to be the best year of our life, and instead we face every day knowing we will not have you here with us”
The medical discrimination in this country is out of control.
“In June 2021 I was diagnosed with Glioblastoma. This is a malignant brain cancer where there is no cure. Genetic markers of this cancer provide an indication on survival time which averages 13 months. I hope to exceed this timeframe but it is not certain.
Today I turned 38 and am trying to have my monthly follow up at the cancer centre as I’ve been on chemotherapy since July 2021. Well today I’ve been sent out of the Cancer Centre of my treating hospital.
Why? Because I am unvaccinated.
I am unvaccinated not because I am against vaccinations. I am unvaccinated because no-one can answer the questions I have in relation to ME receiving this vaccination. Is it going to affect the genetic markers that are working in my favour? Could this exclude me from medical trials in the future? What are MY risks of blood clots given that patients with GBM have a risk already of clotting.
Do I meet the criteria for exemption? No.
So because I am in this grey space where no-one can provide me information I am excluded from society.
All of our lives are measurable to some extent. But working with average survival time of less than two years, unless Queensland Health, Queensland Government or ATAGI do something to think about people like me then my quality of life and value within the community of Queensland is zero.
In the meantime, I will sit outside until someone remembers to come and administer this test.
It’s funny - a dog is allowed in Bunnings but I’m not allowed in my treating hospital…”
I've wondered, more than once, if my 'hesitancy' over the covid shots was all in my head since all of the jab injuries I had heard about seemed to be overseas, not here in Australia. I wondered if there was something to the 'hot lots' theory & maybe those lots weren't delivered to Australia. I'm not on any social media so I hadn't heard these Australian cases. Why is this not enough to make it stop? Why would anyone want to inflict this on any human being?
These stories break my heart, not only for those suffering, but for all of society since “doctor” is now becoming a dirty word. The people we thought we could trust are all turning into stone-hearted priests of Pfizer.
Don’t worry doctors, when you perceive that you are being scorned and ostracized, and maybe eventually sued and indicted, rest assured that it’s all in your head, just anxiety.