1. Mark Briggs
The Conservative Woman (now called TCW, although I prefer the old name) is one of the best online sources of real journalism. If you are one of the curious, I encourage you to subscribe, its free.
Today they published a great piece by Sally Beck about the litany of horrors that are the jab fatalities and adverse reactions. The scale of this is numbing.
There must be a name for the psychological phenomenon that describes apathy towards something so gigantically monstrous that it “snaps” our empathy “capacitor”, whatever it’s called it’s happening now. We are in the midst of a randomised slaughter and maiming and most don’t know (they are forgiven) but many do know, the doctors do know, and they are proclaiming it to be normal…nothing to see here. They are not forgiven.
Mass psychosis is real.
The catastrophic catalogue of vaccine reactions | The Conservative Woman
Anyway, Sally tells the story of Mark Briggs a 55-year-old miner from Queensland. It is tragic in more ways than one. In the obvious destruction of his and his family’s life, and then in the continued destruction of the now non-existent credibility of the Australian medical establishment.
Doctors bending over backwards to convince themselves that it is NOT a vaccine injury. The active preservation of their conscious at the expense of the truth of what has happened to this man and his family.
The Medical-Government-Media Triad is alive and well.
2. Our Voices Matter
Today I was put onto this Instagram account reporting on Australian adverse reaction victims.
Every “stat” is someone’s life and the more of this reporting there is the better.
Our Voices Matter (@ourvoicesmatter_official) • Instagram photos and videos
3. A friend’s neighbour
Let’s call the neighbour John.
John was telling my mate what his cycling buddy of the last 10 years, let’s call him Peter, said to him recently, and I paraphrase.
Peter said “John, I am not going to be able to cycle with you anymore. You are not vaccinated, and I am worried that you might give me the virus and I might then pass it onto my parents”.
Peter is vaccinated.
What version of terrified and feeble mind, gets vaccinated, then worries about his unvaccinated cycling buddy killing his parents, via his very vaccinated self?
What was the point of getting vaccinated? Wasn’t it to NOT worry about getting the illness and passing it on? If John did get vaccinated, what would be the point in this circular logic? Would Peter then cycle with John even though John, now newly vaccinated, can still get the disease and still pass it on?
It seems that all roads lead to Peter not wanting to cycle with John, whether John is vaccinated or not.
Trying to make sense of people’s actions during a mass psychosis must be a malady of its own.
4. Anti-Spiker
Anti-vaxxer is clearly a slur designed to shut down reasoned debate. It’s flattering in a way as you know that the Muppet throwing the slur is not willing to debate you about the Covid jabs. They have nothing besides headlines harvested from “health reporters” that used to report on fashion and workplace relations only a few months ago.
Anyway, I clearly have nothing against vaccines. I’ve had all the usual jabs and I clearly trusted the medical-government establishment enough to never look into the vaccines that I injected into my body. Even now, from what I know about Novavax (a Covid vaccine working its way through approvals) I would take it if available. It seems to have an acceptably low risk profile.
Clearly, I have nothing against vaccines, but I have everything against not thinking about what you are coercing into my, and my family’s bodies.
I also am not a fan of defective products. I want the product to do what the label says or what it implies.
Here is what the Covid “vaccine” label implies:
It will prevent disease
It will prevent transmission
It will stay in your arm
The spike protein is safe
It turns out that NONE of these four things are true. The exact opposite of all four is the truth.
After the jab, I can still get Covid, I can still give others Covid, the genetic material doesn’t stay in my arm but spreads through my whole body and produces TRILLIONS of spike protein that is damaging to my cells…in other words the spike protein is cytotoxic…in English, that means poisonous.
So, I am anti all of that. But I am especially anti the spike protein.
I am an Anti-Spiker.
5. Michelle: Guillain-Barrè Syndrome (GBS)
This one is particularly close to home as my mother came down with GBS several years ago. She was a woman of generally good health in her 60s and inexplicably got GBS and never recovered. GBS is when your own immune system decides to attack your nervous system, it left my mother disabled. She can barely walk.
Now this poor young lady, a 19 yo from NSW, has gotten GBS post vaccination. She is not alone in Australia and all around the world.

What nobody would have told her is that here Absolute Risk of dying from COVID, assuming normal health, and while living in Australia was about 1 in 1 million.
And that the number of deaths in Australia from Covid for all ages up to and including 20 is ZERO.
They also would not have told her about the true risks of the jab based on all the adverse reactions all around the world and in Australia.
So, put simply, she was lied to.
Michelle, get well, and I hope you make a full recovery.
6. A letter to Alan Jones
I friend of mine forwarded this message and letter to me. The letter was sent to Alan Jones, an Australian journalist and news broadcaster and one of the most honest and fearless people in Australia today. I have always liked Alan, even though at times he’s slipped and could have done better. But today I love Alan, and there is no slipping about him now. You will not find another Australian telling as much truth to power as this man. A good man indeed.
Here is but one example of the great man.
Here is the message and letter. A good example of the depth and breadth of silent suffering all over the country. The health and wealth of a nation is being daily destroyed by a small group of evil people and a large group on unthinking (many willfully unthinking) useful idiots.
Thought I’d share a letter that a close family friend has sent to Alan Jones. Not unusual to have parents who are commercial property owners over many years in Australia since arriving from Europe who are now being impacted.
She allowed me to share. It’s insightful yet relatable to many migrant heritage families Australia-wide.
Dear Alan,
I’m writing to share with you the impact the Sydney lockdowns have had not only on tenants but on landlords too.
My parents are landlords from Sydney’s eastern suburbs.
Rental income has been their bread and butter for the last 40 years.
Their tenants are small business operators.
From a young age I have lived and seen the life of a landlord through the eyes of my father. Sure, there is enormous pride and honour with owning property but there is also the struggles and the not so happy days that no one talks about. The outgoings, water, electricity, council rates, land tax, maintenance, insurance premiums, agent/solicitor fees, lease fees and the list goes on. Outgoings that relies on rental income.
During the first lockdown in 2020 their tenants were financially effected. Some just scraped through the lockdown and by the time they recovered another lockdown recently hit in June 2021.
One of their tenants never made it through the first lockdown forcing their business to shutdown entirely and move out.
The property has been vacant since January 2021 and will most probably remain this way for a very long time. Income lost just like that and of course the outgoing payments must still go on.
Embrace yourself. This is the shocking part. Because the rental income is nil the landlord is not eligible for any land tax relief.
However, if the tenant was in occupancy with some rent relief, then the landlord would be entitled to some land tax relief. So, with a $0 rental income the land tax relief is $0.
The land tax is a staggering $18,000.
That’s when you question the brains of those responsible and try and understand the reasoning behind those in power.
It is mind boggling.
My father, now in his 80s listens as I deliver this news to him. There is a nerve in his tone as he questions it and it’s quickly overtaken by humbleness and acceptance simply because there is absolutely nothing he can do!
Something he’s had his entire life. But somehow, I feel he is slowly losing his dignity over the decisions made by government.
Never in his life has he been late when paying bills. That’s the Greek pride.
But who cares about that?
Eventually the mortgage on the property will not be comfortably serviced. A loan that will most probably be passed onto me and other members of my family, my dear children. Not to mention the ongoing crippled economy these lockdowns have caused will be passed onto their children. What is it again? A loss of $300M a day?
That’s of course if we all survive coronavirus and survive the vaccine for those who choose to take it.
In saving our sanity and avoiding the burden of future debt this property may need to be sold one day if things don’t improve. I say this with deep regret but at the same time I feel a sense of relief and serenity that I will have the opportunity to ease the financial burden in my life. Financial burden from the lockdowns.
It seems the government always favours the tenants and gives little support to the smashed landlords. The ones that nourish the economy with taxes and more taxes.
Landlords need support and assistance too but somehow this hope never seems to prevail or get closer to becoming a reality.
7. QCOVID Risk Calculator
I have spoke about the QCOVID Oxford University Rick Calculator many times in previous articles and webinars.
But here I am again raving on about it.
It is simple the best database in the world about the personal risk of Covid to you. It is drawn out of a UK dataset where there is FAR more virus in the community than there is in Australia. On my calculation 5.2x more based on this recent calculation.
So, whatever Absolute Risk factor you get, say it is a 1 in 100,000 risk of catching and then dying of COVID, you can multiple that by 5.2 to adjust for Australia and land on 1 in 520,000.
If you or any family or friend is terrified of Covid, please take 1 minute to see what YOUR maths is and then multiple by 5.2.
It’s not as deadly as you have been led to believe.