
Under 35 and Severely Injured

Not Necessary, Not Safe, Not Effective


That’s pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole in the video.

He’s one of the good guys. He was one of the very early doctors to come out and fight the good fight.

On 15 August 2021, I did my second livestream webinar to an audience of about 10 people, that was down from my box office hit a few weeks earlier that attracted 15 people. In both cases mainly family, close friends and a handful of curious strangers I probably found on Twitter.

Dr. Ryan Cole was an important part of that second webinar.

Lies are Unbekoming
Video: 10 Thoughts and Insights on Covid "Vaccines"
10 Thoughts and Insights on Covid "Vaccines" (rumble.com) Here is my second webinar covering: How normal vaccines work How these new “vaccines” were meant to work How they are actually working Are they effective? Is the technology defective? Is the Spike Protein cytotoxic…
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I hadn’t watched it since I uploaded it over a year ago. It’s held up very well, if I say so myself. There’s not a thing in that presentation that has not been confirmed and accepted as true today (just not yet widely enough, unfortunately).

This was the first webinar in July 2021:

Lies are Unbekoming
Video: 10 Vital numbers to better understand the COVID fiasco
Recording of the first Live Webinar from the weekend. 10 Vital numbers to better understand the COVID fiasco It is aimed that those that are unsure about what is going on and curious to learn more. The first step is to be less afraid ourselves and then to help those around us be less afraid…
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I haven’t done an injuries article in a while, and considering I’ve just done a stack about the reckless assault on female fertility:

Lies are Unbekoming
44 French Rats
I’ve been thinking about French rats recently. What triggered the thought was the recent UK NIH reversal on their “advice” to pregnant women…
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I thought I would stick with that theme and focus on their assault on young Australian women. My daughter is a young Australian woman, and she is similar in age to many of the young women below.

The focus of that second livestream was the jabs and what we knew as emerging information about their dangers. That is the information that was withheld from the public, and its withholding is what has caused the catastrophic destruction of health and well-being of the 16 women below, and many, many, many others.

This is both national and generational damage.

Tegan: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Yac, 29: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Hannah, 31: Moderna

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Caitlin, 25: Moderna

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Giorgia, 32: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Kacy, 34: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Bek, 27: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Grace, 22: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Taylor, 20: Astra Zeneca

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Elle, 31: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Saskia, 26: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Jenny, 33: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Danni, 34: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Jessie, 18: Moderna

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Gwen, 29: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

Bella, 18: Pfizer

A post shared by Jab Injuries Australia 🇦🇺 (@jab_injuries_australia)

A thought

What they want to do is both hide this damage and normalise it.

Don’t let them do that. There is nothing normal about this destruction.

They will frame it as rare, it’s not rare.

They will suggest it’s mild, it’s not mild.

They will say it’s normal, all vaccines have some injury; it’s not normal and this isn’t “some”.

They are liars, they lied on day one, they lied throughout, they lie now, they will lie tomorrow.

If you need some assistance with the “they”, these two posts will help:

Who is "they"
One of the weirdest things about the past two years is that it is obvious that there has been a massive power shift in the world, away from national governments towards some supranational collective that is somehow able to force governments throughout the world to all follow the same disastrous policies simultaneously (overriding Constitutions, laws, sc…
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Lies are Unbekoming
11 Insights into The Medical-Government-Media (MGM) Triad
The world is in the midst of a corporate takeover. I don’t think I can sum up what is happening around the world more succinctly than that. It is something that we have never seen before, certainly not at this scale, which is why it is incomprehensible to most…
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Their lies have killed and maimed, are killing and maiming, will kill and maim.

By now anyone who hasn’t taken a dose, doesn’t need me to tell them to stay away from it, they know. The focus really is on those that took two doses, this post is for you. If you have dodged injury, thank God for that, but…

Never put that shit in your body again!!

This FB post today from our own Australian hero, Qld Senator Gerard Rennick will give you a sense of what “normal” looks like:

May be an image of text that says "Figure 1: Adverse events following quarter of vaccination" 2500 Z2Z Nots serious AEMS database, 2000 to 2020, by year and Serious 2000 50 reporting rate per 100,000 population (total) reporting rate reporting nemberso 45 00,000 population lexcluding public) 1500 이 40 35 1000 500 30 A Aa 000'00 20 g 15 10 5 100 100 2O 2005 2006 2001 200 a0 201 oe quarter where the date of vaccination was not recorded, the used esa proxy for vaccination date. EXOZ 2014 StOZ 2016 2017 STOZ vaccination 0 στο 0ZOZ onset or date on the to TGA"

Thanks to Michelle Stubbs for this very detailed breakdown. This period doesn’t include the Covid vaccines but it does give a benchmark for vaccine injury rates.

3,827 reported injuries and 6 deaths from 18 million people v over 135,000 reported injuries and over 900 deaths from 20 million people for the Covid vaccines. (Under reported no doubt)

Also note the drop in reporting from State Heath Departments from 78% to just over 50%.

If the increase in injury and death rate isn’t a screaming red flag then I don’t know what is.

“The Surveillance of Adverse Events Following Immunisation in Australia Annual Report 2020 has been published...Let’s take a quick look...


I have been reviewing these annual reports for many years now and I am comfortable in saying that they are of limited value, although they clearly generate income for the vaccine experts involved. ‘Records contained in the AEMS database were eligible for inclusion in the analysis if a vaccine was recorded as ‘suspected’ of causal involvement in the reported adverse event.’ Technically all ‘suspected’ adverse reaction reports should be eligible for inclusion, but that’s not how this dataset works. The only reports included are those where the TGA suspected causal involvement and we, the public, are given no information about how many reports were excluded on these grounds. Nonetheless, I present the data below...

A total of 3,827 adverse reaction reports against vaccines have been included in the 2020 annual report. This includes 6 reports of death from about 18 million shots administered. Before we proceed I have to compare this dataset to the covid shots so we can see what a terrible safety profile the covid shots have. A total of 135,602 adverse reaction reports against the covid shots, including 932 reports of death, from 63 million shots administered over a 19 month period.

On the 6 reports of death in the 2020 annual report specifically...

Normally a breakdown of reports of death is provided, but in preparation for what will be an ‘unprecedented’ annual report next year where significant obfuscation will be required, much of the information around the 6 reports of death in 2020 has not been made available.

“Six deaths were reported to the TGA where the reporter considered that a causal link between vaccination and the event was possible. Following assessment, the TGA established a causal relationship to vaccination for only one of the six reports, where a man in his 70s died following vaccination with Zostavax. For the other five of the six deaths, the TGA did not establish a link between vaccination and the condition which caused the death.”

Quite a lot of information is made available in the report on the man in his 70s who died of a shingles shot, but scant details are made available on the other 5 reports of death. “The other five fatal reports were in children four years old or younger (one 4 year old and four 1 year old children) who had significant underlying medical conditions and/or an acute illness. The reports involved a range of combinations of childhood vaccinations.” A 4 year old and 4 babies died and they don’t even tell us what shots were involved!

This is the first time that a detailed brief has not been made available on all reports of death, and I think this is in preparation for the 2021 annual report. I will include a screenshot of the info from the 2019 reports of death in the comments for comparison. It is also worth noting that for many years these reports only detailed 2 or 3 reports of death a year but 2019 listed 5 and this 2020 report lists 6 deaths. Just a heads up that the report for 2021 is set to include 748 reports of death! Older versions of this annual report are available here: https://www1.health.gov.au/.../Content/cda-aefi-anrep.htm

“Analysis of AEFI reporting was also undertaken by ‘sender type’ that showed 78.6% (3,009) of AEFI were reported by state and territory health departments; 14.4% (551) by health professionals; 4.3% (163) by patients/consumers; 2.7% (102) by pharmaceutical companies; and 0.1% (2) by ‘other’ (sender type not specified).”

“The highest age-specific AEFI reporting rate per 100,000 population occurred in children less than two years of age.”

“The vaccine most frequently reported as associated with AEFI was seasonal influenza vaccine (1,193 records; 31.2% of total 2020 records), followed by 13vPCV (n = 680, 17.8%); DTPa-IPV.”

A note re the pic in this post - the massive spike in reports in 2010 reflects the flu shot scandal...”

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